Calum cute imagine

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"Okay i will see you both later and remember if anything happens give me a call! Bye love you!" I said. "Yes of course now go before you be late!" Calum, my older brother said and pushed me out. I giggled and walked to my boyfriends car. I hope nothing bad happens i mean i just let my one years old daughter with my brother but i hope it will be okay. "U ready babe?"my boyfriend of 4 years asked. I nodded and we drove off to have our date.

*Calums POV*

Okay Calum you agreed to help her now u better do it or i will not feel my balls on Their place anymore, i thought and was cut off by baby crying. I sighed and ran upstairs. I picked Joel up. "Shh, Jo, baby uncle Calum is here" i said quietly. She calmed down a bit but still.

I walked down stairs, made the milk Y/N had gave me and made some in the baby bottle and gave it to Joel. She drank it and got quite for every minute. She was adorble! She had Y/B/Ns Mouth and eyes and nose but she had Y/Ns Lips and skin colour. She was beautiful. I hope someday i will get a family like Y/N soon. Yeah, her boyfriend was going to propose today and i was going to baby sit Joel for two days! But i don't mind. She is my only and Gorgeous niece and i would love to have her around so you know. Uncle and niece time hehe. I was cut off my though by Joel screaming and giggling at somthing. I looked at her and smiled. I took the bottle and put it in the sink.

I walked in to the Livingroom and sar her down on my lap. I took her penguin stuffed animal and played with her. "Nooo he is mine" i pouted. She made a sad fac and looked like she was going to cry. "No no no i'm just kidding please don't cry please!" I begged but ya think that helped? No. She began to cry and cuddle to her penguin. "No baby don't cry, we don't want any crying with uncle Calum do we?" I asked Looking to her Brown eyes. She quickly stoped crying and gave me a teasy smile. "You little tiger!" I giggled and started to tickle her softly.

She was a laughing mess but she made me stop when she smacked me hard on the head. "You hit hard for a baby" i giggled. I kissed her cheek and she put her hands on my face and started to do weird baby noises. I kissed her nose and took her hands in mine. They looked so cute togheter. My big hands with her small soft ones.

She leaned to my chest and cuddled close to me. "I lubcu bu" she mumled. Oh god. She just said i love you on baby langueg! I'm probably the luckiest man on earth! "Aw i love you too Jo, more than anything in this world" i said and kissd her head and stroke it softly.

This was such a perfect. A cute moment. I feel like the happiest man on this earth. Slowly i watched her fall asleep on my chest. She tighter her grip on my fingers until she softned and fell asleep.

I took my phone out carefully and snaped a picture of her sleeping while holding my hand. I posted it on Twitter, instagram and send the picture to Y/N and Y/B/N. After five minutes of watching her sleeping i felt tired and decited to go to sleep.

I picked her up, careful trying not to wake her and walked upstairs. I was going to put her back in her Crib when she began to wake up and whine so i picked her up again and she calmed down. "I'm not leaving you, guess you're sleeping with me tonight" i giggled quietly.

I walked in to my bedroom and layed down on my bed with her on top of me so she was on her stomach on my chest. Slowly i started to drift off to sleep and finally i fell off to my dreams.

This was going to be great days.



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