Calum imagine

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I stood by my locker, taking my things for the class. It was Valentines day and all the couples were all around and kissing and doing whatever. I finally got my things and began to walk to first class. I walked in and went straigh to the back sit were noone could see me. I suddenly tripped and everything fell from my hands. I tried to stand up but they were holding me down when someone took my book and hitted me with it on my head. I felt dizzy but everything was alright after. They finally let me go and i stood up and walked to my sit as fast as i could. People kept trowing mini papers saying mean things like i'm " worthless, noone will ever be with me, everyone hates me, i'm a fat bitch. I felt a tear stream down my face but i wipped it before anyone knew it. The teacher finally came in and i relaxed a bit. After a minute Calum Hood came in. He was my crush since forever but i knew there were no chance becouse i'm the nerdy and unpouplar one and he is the popular one so no. He looked around and saw al the sits taken exept the one next to me. He smiled and came to sit. He took his sit and looked over at me. I blushed and looked down at he desk.

- Hi! Don't be shy around me. I'm not gonna do anything for you trust me beautiful. He said. I blushed even more. He called me beautiful? THE Calum Hood called me beautiful. I lifted my head up and saw him smiling at me.

- how can i t-trust you? I stuttered. He laughed lightly, that was when they all looked at us. Snap.

- hey Calum why are you sitting with the trash? Someone shouted.

- yeah and hey just becouse he is nice now does'nt mean he is later bitch! U dosen't deserv to be here anyway. Worthless slut. The diva of the class shouted. I felt tears ready to stream down. I quickly took my things and ran out. He said that i could trust him but it was'nt Worth to do it. The teacher tried to stop me but i ignored her and ran to my locker, took my bag and ran to the girls bathroom and looked my self there. I took out my razor i hid in my bag and roller up my sleave and began to cut. I'm worthless. One cut. I'm a fat bitch. Two cuts. I'm a big mistake. Three cuts. I put down my razor and began to cry. Suddenly i heard a loud knock on the door.

- Y/N OPEN THE DOOR! I heard a familiar voice say. Calum.

- please just open it. I'm sorry that i did'nt protect you in there but please just open the door. He voice almost craking. I opened it and did'nt think about the blod and my cutted arm. As soon as i opened it his eyes got watery and widned.

- i knew it... He said with his voice craking.

- sit down now. He said. I got afraid and sat down. He took a peace of toilet paper, made it wet and began to clean my arm. I began to feel the pain.

- ouch.. I said.

- i'm sorry. He said.

- it's okay. It's my fault that i'm feeling the pain now but Thank you for helping me. I said.

- anything for you gorgeous, he said. I craked a smile and he smiled back.

- and done! Do you have something to wrap your arm around? He asked. I nodded and took out bandage from my bag. He helped me once again and i stood up after the cleaning. We began to clean the floor and as soon as we were done he surprisly pulled me in to a tight hug.

- from now on i will protect you. I will be by your side when you need me. I will love you until the end and i'm going to help you trough this shit. He said.

- what do you mean? I asked. He pulled back and got in one knee.

- Y/N , will you be my valentine for th rest of the day and go out with me? He asked. I froze but hugged him.

- i would love to cal, i said and smiled. He cupped my fave and kissed me. I felt butterflies everywere and fireworks exploding. He pulled back and smiled.

- one more thing, be mine. He said.

- of course. I said. This was the best Valentines day ever! Thanks to him i'm more confident. I got trough all bullying and he protected me anytime. He was the one and still is and i will always love him. Forever.

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