Before You Read

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Welcome to my second story!

I wanted to put a disclaimer in the beginning, stating this will have adult themes, and have triggering aspects.

Like with my last story, there will be not a announcement via the beginning of the chapter because this story overall will be the whole mood. But of course, I plan to end it with a happy note, as I did My Little Omega.

If anything I write triggers you, or upsets you I apologize in advance!

As I've stated earlier this is my second story, and I am trying out different methods when writing this time, so give your honest opinion.

Also, I know everyone writes Omegaverse stories differently, with different plots and how it all unfolds, but I hope you all enjoy another one of my takes on the subject!

Everything from here on outwards is declared fiction, so if you see anything that typically wouldn't happen in real life— just remember this is merely a tall tale!

Consent, protection, no domestic violence or anything like that is not okay, and just wanted to share that!

Thank you all for the support and I hope you have a lovely day!


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