Chapter 46: 33 Weeks Pregnant

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Stella's POV -

I could feel the day light reflecting against my eye lids. The brightness penetrated through them and onto my fragile eyes, so I opened them slowly to avoid further pain. My eyes flickered as they tried to adjust to the daylight and I woke up to the sound of Jaden snoring lightly beside me, his lips parted a little. My legs were wrapped around his and his arm was gently around my waist. Instant memories from the ending of last night triggered a smile across my face, but then memories of before the europhic moment caused my smile to fade, and my heart to race a little more.

I silently prayed that everything that he said last night still stuck with him when he wakes up, and he acts like he doesn't need to keep his promises anymore just because I admitted my love for him. I rolled over slowly so that I was now lying on my back and staring at the ceiling. I glanced at the clock, noticing that it's only 7am. You have to stop doubting him, it'll only make things worse, My conscience wisely reminded me. My view turned to Jaden still asleep beside me and I reached out and ran my index finger beside his lips, then down to his bare chest. Thinking about how regardless of the past events, I can never seem to let this annoyingly amazing boy go.

Jaden's eyes suddenly snapped open, causing me to retract my finger back. "What are you doing?" He sniggered on top of his groggy voice then rubbed his eye with the back of the hand.

"Sorry...I was just-" I struggled to respond.

"Don't stop. It felt nice," He lightly whispered and I smiled at his eased attitude, then continued to trace my finger on his chest.

"So what are your plans for today?" I asked.

"Uh, I was thinking boxing day shopping? We could get the crew together and see if they're up for it," Jaden explained. My eyes levelled back up his face after making numerous invisible patterns against him, as my facial expression dropped at his words. I began nodding slowly to create a distraction from my sudden reaction. "What's wrong?".

Well, attempt to distract.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I-I don't really want to rush into like, you know, telling the crew about us" Jaden was about to speak up but I quickly interrupted incase he got the wrong idea. "Obviously I still want to go shopping today and we will tell them, but not just yet. A-are you alright with that?".

He shook his head a little with laughter and brought me closer to kiss my forehead. "Babe, if it makes you happy, then we won't. We'll wait to tell them,". I could tell that relief was evident on my face because I really didn't want to start another disaggreement.

The beside table by Jaden started buzzing insistently, signalling his phone ringing. Bothered by the interruption, he reached over and looked at the screen with read "Moises" and we both playfully rolled our eyes before Jaden answered.

"Wassup Moises," He hollered and put the call on loudspeaker.

"Hey. Uh, why did your dad just call me thinking that you're at my place?" Moises asked and I shot a look at Jaden wondering the exact same thing at Moi.

"Aw shit, I told him that I was going to hang out at yours last night,".

"And where did you actually go?" Moises continued to ask and I quickly shook my head to avoid Jaden telling him that he's lying in bed with me.

"Um..I had some, late night errands to run," Jaden lied.

"Okay so where are you now?" Moises questioned once again and I started to become more agitated at the constant asking.

"I' Trey's house!" He says, smiling a little at his great cover up. "Yep, i'm with Trey".

"Cool. Well, you up for a bit of boxing day shopping soon?"

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