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Hey readers! I just really want to hear your views on the story so far, like just tell me your favourite parts or any suggestions of what could happen next.

I dunno, I just feel like I'm dragging the whole college year scenes on and it's starting to become boring for you all. 

I have a lot of ideas for around the time of Stella's due date but I'm just trying to find a way to wrap up the college years a little and move on.

They were supposed to end a couple of chapters ago but people said that they loved reading about them still being in college so I tried my best to continue. 

So I just want your thoughts before I put up the next chapter because from then, I can continue with what you all actually want to read.

Also if you're a fan of the vine boys, I've started a Matthew Espinosa fanfic here on Wattpad so you can check that out too. 

A Bump On The Road (Jaden Smith Fanfic) (Wattys 2015)Where stories live. Discover now