Chapter 32: I'll Be There

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Jaden's POV. 7:42pm -

I rumaged through my wardrobe, trying my best to find the most suitable outfit for my date with Andrea tonight. Something casual, but not too casual, but not trying too hard. Usually I would find something in 5 minutes and feel perfectly fine in it, but for some reason, today I was struggling,

"For fuck sake!" I yelled to myself, pulling my shirt off my body when I looked in the mirror and realised it was all wrong. "This is useless,".

I sat on my bed with my head in my hands, knowing that I only had now 17 minutes to get ready. My phone buzzed beside me and a text message from Stella saying,

'No one wants to come Taco Bell with me :( Up for it??'.

Me: Can't, date with Andrea..but really struggling with what to wear HELP.

Stella: On my way ;p

Stella's POV -

"Sorry for dragging you here," Jaden apologised, shutting the door behind me when I entered. "But I promise that i'll treat you to Taco Bell soon".

"It's fine J. Okay, let's see what you have so far"  I sat down on his bed and said.

"I don't have anything so far Stell, that's why I asked for your help"

"Oh yeah, sorry. So start with, black jeans?".

He did as he was told, and rumaged through his wardrobe for his black jeans while I sat opposite him on my phone, then he began pulling down the jeans that he was currently wearing.

"UM! Jaden?".

"What? It's not like you haven't seen it all before" He chuckled, zipping up the fly and doing the button.

"Okay that's good. And try that denim button up shirt that I got you" I spoke, standing in front of him and looking like I really knew what I was talking about.

"Yes Miss" 

I laughed. "And to finish...those black and white Vans".

He finished buttoning up the shirt as fast as he could and quickly grabbed the Vans sitting in the corner of the room and put them on. When he was done, he brushed himself down and stood in front of me yet I all of a sudden began laughing at him.

"Do I look THAT bad?"

"No, no, you've buttoned your shirt up all wrong" I explained in between laughs.

"What?!" He responded, looking down at himself. "Aw, man".

"Here, let me" I came closer, as he began unbuttoning the shirt again and letting me do it correctly.


"So, are you coming to the ultrasound tomorrow?" I questioned, looking up at him.

"Uh, yep, of course. I wouldn't miss it," He winked at me but as soon as he looked back up, he bit his lip with a worried expression.

"You're nervous, huh?".

"Yeah, I guess. I haven't been this nervous ever since our first date" He smiled at me.

"You still remember that?".

"Of course. Check this out, it was April 17th 2011. I picked you up from your house and you were wearing um, like a baggy short sleeved white shirt, tucked into a black tight mini skirt and black Louboutin heels that I, being the gentleman that I am, bought especially for you to wear that night" He explained to me and I was even suprised myself that I remembered some of those details too. "Then I took you to Sugarfish for the first time. Now that day, I was definately nervous about".

I chuckled. "Why? You've always been comfortable around me?".

"I don't know. Either way, my goal was to impress you and show you that I'm "boyfriend material", I guess" We both laughed at the cheesy words that were coming out of his mouth.

"But we made a great couple in the end, didn't we?" I said, while we were still both smiling and I was still finishing off the buttons for him. "Um, all done. There you go".

I stepped back towards the bed, allowing Jaden to check how he looked again in the mirror then everything was finally perfect...except for the awkward moment that we were having right now.

"Thanks Stella, I owe you big time" He went in to hug me, but before he could even get just a little close, I was aiming towards the door to leave.

"No problem J. That's what friends are for right?".

"Yeah, friends".

"Okay, i'll see you later and good luck with tonight" I quickly spoke then opened the door and left.

I hastily stepped out of the room and leant against the wall beside. Breathing out heavily. Currently confused on everything that I've ever said lately on Jaden and I's relationship...mainly regretting it.

Jaden's POV -

I stood in the parking lot, beside the black Mercedes car that I hired and in the outfit that Stella picked out for me. It was 8:16pm and was beginning to worry that Andrea had stood me up considering we were meant to meet at 8.

"Sir, are you ready to go?" The driver spoke to me, as I waited outside the door of the backseats.

"Soon. My date's not here yet, but she will be" I checked my Rolex watch and replied at the same time, although as soon as I looked up, I saw Andrea coming down the steps wearing a white dress, a grey cardigan and the pair of black Jeffrey Campbell heels that I gifted for her to specially wear today.

"Someone really knows how to treat a lady. First the shoes, now the car, what's next Jaden Smith?" She spoke as the walked towards me, the light wind unexpectedly pushing her hair back.

"I mean, I do try," I smiled, placing my hands my pocket. "You look gorgeous by the way".

"Thanks. Not looking too bad yourself in fact. So, where are we off to tonight?".

"It's a surprise, but all I will say is...classy" I gestured for her to enter the car while I held the back door open.

Heeeey guys, so do you guys ship Jandrea or is it stil all about Jella?? D

I know that you're all probably wondering WHY THE HELL IS THE CHAPTER SO SHORT?!?!! Hahaha, well that's because I know that I was in desperate need of updating this story so I just made a little quick but obviously still linking to the previous chapter.

The next one probably won't continue from the setting of Jaden and Andrea's date, but maybe from the next. I'm SOOO sorry for updating late, I'll make it up to you all with about 3 chapters updates in the space of a week or two because i'm finally on my SUMMER HOLIDAYS. And the chapters will all be pretty long! BTW thanks for the 11K reads on Msfts Friends To Msfts Frenemies, you guys are amazing ily. xoxoxo

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