Chapter 27: Regrets In The Closet

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10:18am. Stella's POV -

"You know it's actually a surprise that I have no morning sickness today" I happily smiled while we were all trying to find an outfit to wear.

I settled to black leggings, black Dr Martens, a white baggy v neck shirt and cream oversized sweater cardigan. 

"Stella, can I burrow your white crop top to go with my outfit because mine's in the wash?" Jordyn was holding up a skirt to her body and staring in the mirror at in in different angles.

"Yeah, might as well. Not like I'd look good in a crop top right now any ways" I sighed because deciding what to wear in the morning becomes more and more boring everyday. Usually I'd spend ages choosing from so many different outfits, but now I always have to worry about the baby bump and what would look good with the baby bump. Someone knocked on our door, snapping me out of my thoughts as Stassie jogged up to it to see who it is.

"Who is it?" She called out before opening.

"Wendy". As soon as she replied, we all rolled out eyes, wishing we acted like we weren't there because Wendy, the campus activities representative was too perky to suit anyone's comfort.

"One second" Stass unlocked the door and fake smiled at Wendy who was obviously smiling back, as I turned down the music on my phone. "So what brings you here?"

"Today at 5pm sharp, i'm hosting a freshmens' game of hide-and-go-seek" Wendy announced and stood in a straight posture, with neat blonde hair, bright yellow top, high socks and her clipboard in one hand.

"Hide-and-go-seek...are you serious? We're all almost 19, not 5" Jordyn looked at Wendy with confusion and so did I.

"Now, now Jordyn. Don't be negative. It's a great activity to bond with your new neighbours and simply mingle. Plus, those far more positive boys that you all..."chill" with, said that you'd all be interested"

"Ugh, i'm gonna kill them" Jordyn muttered.

"We'll be there Wendy" Stassie shockingly finalised.

"Says who?!" Jordyn hastily stood up and argued, not wanting to participate.

"It'll be hilarious, come on Jords" Stassie encouraged her and we waited for Jordyn's response.

"...Fine. I'll be there too" She groaned, sitting back down.

"Well you're not gonna be seeing this girl hiding behind curtains later on, I'm supposed to be more careful as weeks past" I explained.

"Excuses!" Jordyn yelled, seeing my non-participation as unfair.

"Oh yes, I forgot about your super-duper pregnancy. You can judge the winning team with me" Wendy suggested, glancing over at me.

"Really?" I said with no eagerness.

"Sure! It'll be so much fun! I'll catch you all later alligators" With complete cheese, Wendy finally left, giving us all a relief when Stass shut the door.

"Haha, you've gotta spend your evening with Wacky Wendy" Jordyn and Stassie mocked me and laughed.

"Haha, very funny" I sarcastically said and threw the top that Jordyn wanted to burrow at her.

4:52pm - 

Less than a quarter of the Grayson freshmens showed up to play hide-and-go-seek and unfortunately, we were most of them.

"I can't believe I'm actually doing this" Jordyn complained, throwing her head back.

"What did I say Jordy? Be positive" Wendy sang to Jordyn, who screwed up her face at the comment.

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