Chapter 38: The Guys Night

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Jaden's POV -

I did up the buttons of my white shirt, while looking in the bathroom mirror and sprayed on a little cologne to finish. "So, where exactly are we going?" I called out to Moises and Mateo.

"To this new bar/club that Luke in English Lit class told me about, it's called Eighteenth Street or something like that" Mateo explained as he quickly reached over me to grab the tub of hair gel. I stared at my appearance in the mirror, pushing up the sleeves a bit and couldn't help but focus on how familiar this shirt is. Then I remembered who bought it for me two christmas' ago.

"Guys, I don't even feel like going anymore," I sighed and rested my hands on the rim of the sink.

"No man, don't bail out now because of St-" Moises attempted to change my mind although Mateo loudly and unexpectedly cut him off.

"No! We are not allowed to mention any of the girls tonight, alright. It's just us guys. No drama, no runny mascara..." Mateo began one of his un-motivating speeches, causing Moi and I to laugh. "...just us, deal?"

I raised my hands and agreed since it was much easier than allowing Mateo to go on. "Deal,"

"Okay," Moises also agreed.

Mateo randomly started patting around his trouser pockets and scanned around his bed and the room. "Uh, actually we might need to mention the girls because I might of, accidentally left my phone in their room".

I playfully rolled my eyes at how this completely goes against his words and patted his back. "We'll stop there on the way out man,".

Stella's POV -

What Jaden and I said to one another in class earlier just continued to repeat in my head and for the whole evening, I've been trying my hardest to not cry in front of everyone. I don't want their sympathy, they can save it for Jaden because I'm just tired of being so naive towards everything. I'm so naive to believe that things could actually go back to how they were when we were 16. But I just can't seem to forget about that fantasy, no matter how hard I try.

I knew very well that the second he walked into class today, he would have to say a comment just to piss me off or to even prove that he's "winning" in this "game". It's like every time we argue, someone is throwing big boulders at my chest making me question if the pain is worth it.b

I'm just sick of letting him hurt me. I'm so sick of giving him these chances, or giving us these chances that never even get used reasonably. And this baby. Our baby, is probably the only thing left that's keeping Jaden and I off the edge. Sometimes Jaden just makes me think that he's only here for the baby, because if he really loved me, or cared about me, we wouldn't be in this post-argument situation right now.

I'm not even expecting an apology. I'm expecting to know when this will be over, when this constant arguing and crying shit will be over.

It's been a really long time since it was just us girls. The boys just always find a way to invade in our plans and we just have to go along with it any ways to save arguing. But this time there was the addition of Harmony and Acacia, which gave us the excuse of saying to the boys that our room is too full, despite the fact that they already have plans.

"When was the last time that we actually hung out with you two?" I wondered since it has been really long.

"I hung out with you yesterday, Stella," Acacia corrected.

I lightly slapped her arm since she knew very well what I meant. "I mean all together, all six of us,".

"I dunno," Harmony shrugged with her mouth filled with popcorn. "But I've missed it" She smiled and reached her arm out to hug me.

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