Chapter 22: Decisions

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BTW. I made a mistake in the other chapters, the baby's actually a boy NOT a girl.

Stella's POV. 3.00pm -

"Mom? Dad?" Jaden said aloud as we entered his house.

"Stella!" Willow squealed, running towards me and gave me the biggest hug.

"Hey Willow, I've missed you so much" I happily replied and hugged her back.

"Yeah, missed you too Willow" Jaden sarcastically said.

"Of course i've missed you too big bro" Willow said and hugged Jaden.

"So, how does it feel having a baby growing inside of you?" Willow questioned.

"Weird and scary" I sighed.

"Well i'm happy for you" She stroked my shoulder and said. "And as for you," She began again, slapping Jaden around the head. 

"What the fuck Willow?!" He yelled.

"What's the matter with you! How could you get Stella pregnant?!" She said while shaking her head.

"You do realize that sex takes TWO people, right?" Jaden asked.

"Ew, images are currently developing in my head" Willow cringed, covering her ears.

"Don't act like you won't be having sex at some point in your life. But don't get any ideas, because it better not be any time soon, or even in 40 years when you're 56" Jaden protectively said.

"Jaden, I don't really wanna die of old age before I even get to the bed"

"Okay, okay guys. Willow, where are your parents?" I interrupted.

"They're in their office and ooo, Jaden. You're in deep trouble. They've been raging since they saw TMZ. I'm even surprised that Dad hasn't exploded yet" Willow giggled.

"Come on Stella, let's hide all the knifes or anything they can kill me with before they come down here" Jaden said, aiming to the kitchen but I pulled him back.

"Jaden. Is that you?" Will called out.

"Uh, yeah Dad. It's me" He replied.

"Shit. Ok, we've got our explanation straight, like we discussed on the plane right?" Jaden reassured.

"Yep. Right"

Will walked down the spiral stair case along with Jada behind him. My heart began racing and I gulped, but clutched onto Jaden's hand before they came off the stairs.

"Stella, Jaden, can we talk to you in the kitchen please?"

"Mhm, sure" I answered, and let go of Jaden hand as we made our way to the kitchen.


"So you two obviously know what this is about" Will began. "And we're gonna let you two explain yourselves first" He added.

"We've got everything planned-" I tried saying, but Jaden interrupted me. 

"I thought about it and i'm not going to say a bunch of words for the sake of not getting into trouble". Jaden looked at me, then looked back at Jada and Will, then began explaining how we'll make things work.


"Ok. You've had you're turn, and now it's ours" Jada said, but the door bell rang and into the kitchen, walked my Mom, with Willow behind her. Oh god.

"Mom. What are you doing here?" I got up and said.

"I was invited" She simply responded.

"It's better to have both parents here than to explain everything all over again" Will told us.

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