Chapter 33: The Invite

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Stella's POV -

I stared at the time on my phone. 10:46am. Jaden was supposed to be here by 10:30am to pick me up, so that we could go to the baby scan together. Jordyn wasn't able to come anymore because she was in desperate need of catching up in her classes, Stassie had classes, the boys had classes, I even asked Tynesha yet she was busy too. So the only one avaliable and promised that they would show up is Jaden.

"Hey J, since you're running late and I don't know where you are, i'll just meet you at the hospital. Call me back when you get this. Bye". I said after the beep to leave him a voicemail and praying that he'll hear it after my 8 missed calls.

I walked out of the revolving hospital doors, searching through my bag for my phone and once  I looked up, suprisingly and very late, Jaden came towards the stairs.

"Stella, I am so sorry," He spoke, trying to reach me although I continued walking.

"Okay," I simply replied, but ignored his words so that I could go and call a cab home.

He quickly came walking behind me, trying his best to make me stop. "I was with Andrea and we lost track of time".

"Mhm" I simply replied once again then put my phone to my ear, until Jaden took it out of my hand.

"Can I at least drive you back to campus than you taking a dirty old cab again?" He questioned, and I sighed at his apologetic face.

"Fine," I agreed and followed behind him.

We were sat in complete silence since we drove out of the hospital. I wasn't sure whether I was mad at him or I just had nothing to say to him at this point.

"Are you still mad at me?" Jaden said, breaking the silence.

"Who said I was mad in the first place?" I shrugged while facing the window.

"Well for one, I know how you look when you're pissed off at someome and two, you've barely said a sentence to me...which to be honest, i'm not really complaining,"

I shook my head and laughed. "Fuck you, J".

"Seriously though," Jaden reached out and held my hand with the one that wasn't on the steering wheel. "I'm sorry that I missed the appointment and I promise that i'll come to the next one, but as long as everything about our son's healthy, everything's good right?".

"Yeah, of course" I gently rubbed his hand with my thumb, causing us to smile at one another.

"So, who's ready for the Taco Bell treat that i promised you yesterday?" Jaden said as we drove into the parking lot of the Taco Bell.

As soon as we got out the car, I walked in front of Jaden while he protected me from behind. A swarm of paparazzi suddenly surrounded us yelling the same old constant questions while I kept my head down and sunglasses on to avoid clear pictures.

"Jaden! Who was that girl you were with last night? Is she your new girlfriend? Stella! Are you okay with Jaden dating while you're pregnant? What happened to you and Austin?". They spoke in non unison, moving along with us the closer we came to the entrance.

"I forgot to ask you," I began, taking the last bite of my Taco. "How did the date go last night?".

"So in the chill response of a typical guy or in the response of my hidden inner sensitive side?" Jaden raised his eyebrow, waiting for me to choose.

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