Chapter 19: Too Many Lies

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Stella's POV - 3 days later. 12:13pm

I've been going to visit the school nurse regularly, but she said that at this stage, it's the hospital that you have to go and see. It's after my first period and Jordyn and Stassie wish they could come to the hospital off campus with me, but they've got both their first and second period, whereas Moises, Mateo and I don't, so their gonna be the ones coming with me.

I'm actually quite glad that they found out about me having a baby because it double the amount of support that i'm getting from Jordyn and Stass.

Today, I was wearing black leggings, with an oversized grey Grayson College of Washington jumper along with my black Dr Martens. I made my way to the campus car park, where Moises and Mateo should be waiting for me.

"Hey, thanks again for coming with me" I say, about to get into the passenger seat that Teo opened for me.

"No problem" He smiled.

"Hey! Guys" Jaden waved from afar and jogged up to the car. "Where you heading off to?"

"Uh.." Moises hesitated and looked at me. "The mall, we're going to mall"

"Oh, can I come with?" Jaden asked with a smile.

"No, I mean, it'll just be sorta...awks" Mateo dishonestly whispered to him.

"Stella doesn't mind, do you?"

I shrugged. "I kinda just want a day with just my boys". I saw his face drop, since I used to refer to all three of them as my boys. "I didn't mean like.."

"Yeah, okay. I'll just see you later then" He subtly raised his hand a little to wave and walked away.


"Aw I feel so bad for Jaden, now he thinks that we're not as close anymore" I said while Moises was driving and Mateo was at the back.

"But you guys aren't as close anymore" Moises said looking my way then looking back at the road.

"But that's my fault, I keep pushing him away yet he keeps trying to get closer" I say looking out the window and thinking about whether I should text him or call him or not.

"And by the way, not to be the bad guys here, but you've got today, tomorrow and Sunday to tell Jaden about the baby. Or we're gonna have to because we can't keep on lying to him" Mateo reminded me.

"Okay, okay. I'll tell him today, when we come back from the hospital"


I was lying on the hospital bed, as the nurse rubbed the monitor stick that was covered in gel around my stomach. We waited patiently for it to show the baby scan through the small tv and finally it appeared, but no sound.

"W-where's the heartbeat? I can't hear the heartbeat?" I panicked, staring directly at nurse.

"One moment, it sometimes takes sometime for you to hear second...there you go" She smiled when you could finally hear the tiny beats.

"Thank the lord" Moises clasped his hands together and said.

"So which one of you are is the father?" The nurse questioned.

"Oh, none of us. We're just Stella's good friends" Mateo responded.

"Where is the father, or is that too personal?"

"We're college students so he's back on campus. And...I haven't told him that i'm pregnant yet BUT I'm going to tell him after this visit" I small smiled while staring the my beautiful baby in the screen.

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