Chapter 31: The New Girl

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10:59am. Jaden's POV - 

It's been two days since I kissed Stella, two days since she broke up with Austin and two days since I decided to not let myself wait for when or if Stella admits that she still has feelings for me.

"I'm just stressing about what my extended family will say about me becoming a dad in less than five months" I explained, as Mateo and I pulled open the door to enter our Literature class. "Like my uncles are seriously so judgemental bro".

"But don't you think they would have processed the whole thing by now?"

"Yes, because my family process things really easily" I turned around and told him with sarcasm, but as soon as I turned back, I bumped into someone.

"Shit. Sorry!" I quickly apologised as I lightly held onto the shoulders of a girl who was a little shorter than me, with past shoulder length brown hair and wearing a cute little plain black dress and white converses.

"It's fine," She chuckled and surprisingly spoke with a British accent. "No problem". 

"Okay," Not being able to help it, I slightly laughed back and blushed, then she walked away to find a seat.

"Uh, J? What was that?" Mateo nudged me.

"Nothing, what are you talking about?" I brushed off, walking hastily ahead of him to find a seat and gave myself the opportunity to sit two rows behind the girl. 

"Okay, enough with being subtle. You should go for it to be honest" He patted my back and sat beside me.

"You think so?" I questioned, smiling at her when she glanced back at me.

"Of course man, it's a great way to get know who".

"Teo, you can say her name. It's not like I'll have a mental breakdown if you do".

"Okay, class. Settle down" Miss Mason suddenly rushed in, 3 minutes late as the last few people of 20 took their seats. "Oh, yes. But before we start the lesson, i'd like you all to welcome a new member to our Literature course. This is Andrea Harrison. She has transferred here from London, England and I really hope you enjoy my classes" Miss Mason spoke as she gestured towards Andrea.

"And Shakespeare interpretation of this was?..." Miss Mason waited for someone to raise their hand and answer, so I put mine. "Jaden?".

"Well, he said in Romeo and Juliet that, 'love is a smoke raised with the fume of sighs", which could means that, love just surprises you throughout your life, whether it's even just someone knew coming into your life" I spoke, giving a smile at Andrea, who's head was turned facing me and so was everyone else's. She all of a sudden raised her hand after our little staring session.

"Yes, Andrea" Miss Mason gestured.

"Well, I think that the quote that Jaden just referred to is more about love being both bitter and sweet. It can bring happiness or pain. But when it brings happiness, you feel as though you can never escape it because all you're ever waiting for is for that moment to come back" She deeply explained in much more detail than me, which 1, embarrassed the hell out of me but 2, made her much, much more hotter, also with the addition of the British accent.

"Very good Andrea, what a great answer to your first lesson with us" Miss Mason smiled eagerly at her and it wasn't long until the bell rang. "Okay, class dismissed. Don't forget about your assignments due tomorrow!". She yelled as we all tried our best to get out as quick as possible, including Mateo and I since we had a free period next.

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