Chapter 28: Moinesha

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1:21pm. Moises' POV -

"You're at this" Tynesha moaned in between breaths as I kissed her neck.

"But..." I began and stopped, leaving her laying down on her bed while I was sat up now. "It won't last for long until we tell Jaden".

"Moises for the last time, J and I are over. It's been a week, I can move on to whoever I like" She said and started tracing her finger up and down my bare chest when she sat up too.

"He's still my best bro you know?"

"Y'all barely even hang out anymore" She admitted.

"I know" I agreed, rubbing my chin. "After we sorta talked things out, we've been really awkward"

"Then let me take your mind of things" Tynesha whispered, with her body close, into my ear. "Please...and then I promise that by the end of the day, Jaden will know that we are together. Okay?"

"...alright. Fine" I sighed and lightly smiled.

"Good" She replied and kissed my cheek.

"Now...where were we?" I licked my lips and chuckled yet paused before I quickly grabbed Tynesha and started kissing her again, making her laugh aloud.

Stella's POV -

Stassie and I were both in the mirrors, trying to put on our make-up, while Jordyn was still in the bathrooom, being the last one to get ready like always. I was wearing black leggings along with a grey oversized crew neck jumper, dark red snood scarf and Timberland boots.

"Come in" I called out when someone knocked on the door.

"Sup to now my only favourite girls" Jaden waked in with Mateo, then flopped down on Stassie's bed because it was the nearest to the door.

"Yeah, thanks Jaden for ruining my freshly made bed" Stassie sarcastically replied.

"Do you guys wanna hang out now or later?" Mateo asked before her kissed Stassie on the cheek yet kept his eyes focused on his phone screen after.

"I don't mind, where are you thinking of going?" I asked, putting my hair into a high messy bun.

"I was thinking the movies because we haven't been there in a while" Mateo replied.

"Yeah, we can go watch Gravity" Jordyn joined into the conversation when she walked out the bathroom in black leggings and white v neck baggy shirt tied to the side with a red and black flannel around her waist.

"Yes! I've been dying to watch that" Jaden sat up and announced.

"I'll call Moises and tell him" I said, unlocking my phone yet Jaden let out a big groan.

"You and Moi are gonna have to get back to normal sooner or later J" Mateo told him.

"It's harder than it looks man. Obviously I want us to stay best bros but then I just keep picturing him and Nesha together, then I hate him all over again" Jaden explained while leant back against the wall.

"Maybe inviting him to come with us will help. Just don't bring up what happened at all and it'll seem like it did" Stassie advised and pulled up her black knee high socks that she was wearing with her all black converses and the black Bethan dress.

"Like come on, it's been a whole week and y'all have said like 2 words to each other" Jordyn said while putting on her military boots.

"Alright. Ok, call him then" Jaden finally allowed.

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