Chapter 29: JUST Friends Can Hang Out

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8.49am. Jaden's POV -

"Babe, i've gotta go to my class, so i'll see you later" Tynesha spoke when she stopped walking, and we all did the same as we reached the building where her class is. 

"Ok, i'll miss you" He smiled while they looked at one another like they'd never see each other again, then continued with a kiss on her lips.

"I love you" She said after.

"I love you too".

"And i'll miss you too. You and me" Tynesha said again.

"You and me" Moises hugged her before she walked away and we watched until she disappeared.

"Why do y'all always say that to one another?" Jordyn asked.

"Say what?" Moises wondered.

"That you and me thing" Stella added.

"Because it's me...and her. That's our forever" Moises tried to romantically speak.

"This isn't some John Green novel, man" Mateo laughed and patted Moises' shoulder.

"1, you're just jealous because you can't be as romantic as us and 2, give me a break, I haven't had a real relationship ever since Cassidy which was 6 years ago." 

"You know I still can't believe that you guys are dating" I commented. 

"Exactly, I thought that you hated each other" Stassie continued.

"Now, hate is a strong word" Moises chuckled. "Love can overpower it".

"Don't even go into all that deep shit Moi" Jordyn covered her ears and began walking ahead of us so we followed.

Stella and I were walking beside one another, casually putting out small talk as the others were slightly ahead of us. And I carried her backpack for her considering her back occassionally starts hurting because of the baby.

"Hey, so you know I noticed that you and I haven't hung out in a while" I awkwardly said to her.

"We hung out on Saturday. Remember, when we went to the movies" She reminded me.

"I know, but I meant, alone".

"Oh. Yeah. Alone, we haven't" She replied. "So how about this, since we both finish classes at 12 today, we can go and get lunch at Subway then..." She hesitated. "...maybe get some froyo after because that always been yours and mine's favourite thing to do, and plus there's a new one downtown" Stella happily agreed and explained.

"Wow, looks like you've already got our date all planned out" I bantered and slightly laughed.

"Yeah, you're funny. It's not a date" Stella corrected. "Boyfriend, remember?".

"Okay, what ever you say. I'm not the one who had our lunch together all planned out before I could even suggest anything" Continuing to tease her, I said.

"You know you can be super annoying sometimes" Stella complained.

"True, but you know you love me really" I said, raising my eyebrows at her.

She laughed. "You're an idiot. I've gotta get to class now" She told me then I handed her her backpack. "Thanks for carrying it for me".

"It's fine. I'll meet you in my dorm later then".

"Ok. Mateo, come on. We're gonna be late" Stella called out, while he was busy saying a long mushy bye to Stassie.

"I'm coming!".

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