Chapter 42: Happy Families?

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I scoffed really loudly. "I can't believe I'm actually doing this".

Standing in front of the mirror in my room, I pulled on my oversized cream sweater over a black stretchy vest top to finish off my black jeans.

"Come on Stell, we've been over this. He's actually NOT a bad guy" Vanessa was sitting on the edge of my bed and explained.

"It's not even about that. I know that Mom's smart enough to not pick a bad guy but it's just-how can you not feel weird about this?" I asked, turning to face her.

"Of course I feel weird about this Stella. It kills me to know that Mom's fallen in love with someone other than Dad, but I just want to see her happy again to be honest. We've got our friends and each other...Mom just has us two" I ran my hands through my hair when I realised how right Vanessa was.

"Alright. I'll be calm. I'll give him and his kids a chance. ONE chance".

"See, that wasn't so hard" She smiled, giving me a hug.

"Yeah, yeah".


"Stella! Vanessa! Richard is here" Mom called out from downstairs.

I took a deep breathe, trying to remind myself to give him a chance. "For Mom's sake, for Mom's sake" I quietly said to myself.

"Stell, you coming?" Vanessa peeped through my bedroom door and said. I smiled as we walked downstairs together.

"So this must be the famous Stella? I've heard a lot about you". A white man much taller and probably older than my Mom said. He had little grey hairs on his head, his beard and moustache too - wearing a white shirt and black slacks and was smiling with my Mom as I came closer to them.

"Yep, that's me" I fake smiled, wanting to roll my eyes so badly, and then shook his hand.

"And wow, you're..." He hesitated, staring at my baby bump. It came to a surprise that Mom didn't tell him, but I saw this as an advantage to see what he's really like.

"Pregnant? Yes, I am. 4 months? Certainly. In a relationship with the father of my baby? Absolutely not" I once again fake smiled, yet Vanessa nudged me when she realised what I was doing.

A tall, tanned and slightly attractive boy - who I was guessing was Richard's son - with dark swept hair and a snapback on top, suddenly chuckled as I spoke. "Are you kidding me, how old are you?".

"I'm sorry, who are you again?" I shot back, putting my hand on my hip.

"For Mom's happiness Stell" Vanessa whispered through her teeth, still trying to smile.

"Hi! I'm Cassie" The younger and more polite girl with long brunette hair and a big smile immediately, and surprisingly, embraced me with a hug. "Oh my god, it's so nice to finally meet you! Like you guys are practically famous, I told my Dad already that you were having a baby with Jaden but he never listens to anything that I say. Oh-em-gee, we're basically sis-"

"Ok! Why don't we all go in the living room and get to know each other a little more?" Mom thankfully interrupted the biggest fan, gesturing for everyone to go.

"So, do you have a job?" I asked Richard while sitting on the couch opposite him.

He chuckled. "Yes, I do. I'm a lawyer actually".

"Is it a stable job, Richard?" I continued asking.

"Yes, of course. If it wasn't, I-"

"So why did you fall in love with my Mom?" Once again, I questioned. I was refusing to hold it all back, in fact, I couldn't hold it all back. So I continued and was starting to raise my voice. "And Mom, why did you fall in love with him? Because the last time I checked, my Dad still mattered to ALL of us, he was your husband, he-". I couldn't go on now. I knew that tears would come bursting out anytime soon. All eyes were on me but I looked down and wiped my tears in sadness, and embarrassment. "Excuse me".

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