Chapter 25: Jaynesha VS Austella

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6pm. Stella's POV-

"Hey, have any of you seen Jaden anywhere?" Moises came into the lounge, where I had gone back to after seeing Austin, and said.

"No, not since we arrived like 3 hours ago" I answered.

"He said that he went to go talk to Tynesha and sort things out with her, but that was ages ago" Moises continued.

"Maybe Tynesha's being difficult like she always is, and is wasting J's time" Acacia suggested.

"Yeah, probably" Moises chuckled.

"Moi, where's Teo?" Stassie asked him.

"He's in our room finishing his report for Music History" 

"Shit! I've barely started that. Ugh ok, I need to go and finish this report guys" I said getting up in a rush, but then slowly sat back down when I felt a weird pain. "Ow, ow, ow".

"Stell, are you ok?" Jordyn said, putting her hand on my arm.

"Mhm, yeah. I'm fine. I might as well wear a shirt saying 'I'm pregnant' so that I don't forget" I slightly laughed.

"Do you want me to help you back to your dorm, i'm going that way any ways" Moises kindly offered.

"No, it's ok. I can handle it" I declined, standing up slowly this time, saying bye to everyone and leaving.


I had gotten my laptop and books for Music History and went to the boys' dorm where Mateo was and I hoped that he'd finish his and help me with mine. I knocked on the door, when I got a text from Austin saying, 'I'm thinking about you right now, just so you know ;)'. 

"Ooo, what are you smiling at?" Mateo also smiled, while having his arm resting at the top of the door.

"Nothing, nothing" I lied and walked past him into the room. "So, have you finished your Music History report?"

"Yep, all done. You?"

"Well...that's sort of why i'm here"

"Sort of, or that is why you're here?" He raised his eyebrow at me.

"Please could you help me finish it?" I batted my eyelashes and pouted, hoping he'd help but he just sighed without an obvious expression.

"Come on then, how far have you got?" Mateo finally said and I smiled 'yay' as I sat down on the computer chair and opened up my laptop.


"Ok and for the last bit, you just have to sum up what you've just written about. So..." Mateo was about to say until the door barged open with Jaden and Tynesha walking through laughing while also kissing each other's faces off.

"Oh gosh" Tynesha said, fixing her hair but still laughing. "I thought you said no one would be here?" 

"My bad" Jaden simply replied with and laughed as well.

Mateo and I gave each other a look because the last time we checked, we all hated Tynesha and Jaden just went to have a talk with her, which obviously led to more than that.

"So, how was your little talk then?" I said with no joking facial expression and kept a serious face.

"Well we did talk, then J left, then he came back and..."

"Yeah, I can obviously see the rest" I interrupted her.

"You had a little talk too earlier, didn't you?" Jaden said to me.

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