Chapter 48: New Years

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Jaden's POV

It almost been a week since Stella found that positive pregnancy test in our trash can. Meaning it's been a whole week of Willow and I constantly staring at my Mom, and trying to identify any symptoms that could tell us whether we should be expecting a new brother or sister.

It was the morning, exactly two days until the year is over and of course until Stassie's hype party. I came into the living room to see Willow watching TV and my Mom doing a bunch of paper work.

"Where's Dad?" I asked her yet my head was down and focused on the squad group chat.

"He went to a quick meeting. He'll be back soon" Mom responded without taking her eyes off her laptop. Just as she finished speaking, she rubbed the temples of her head frustratedly. "Willow, honey, can you turn down the TV? I've got a huge headache".

Willow and I both glanced at one another, realising that headaches are one of the major pregnancy symptoms.

"What?" Mom wondered since she caught the looks that my sister and I exchanged, yet we both brushed it off and went back to what we were doing. "No, seriously. You both have been like this all week, those little looks that you give each other. What's going on?".

We exchanged one last look before I gestured for Willow to go ahead and tell her what this is all about. "Mom, are you pregnant?" She bluntly came out with and I watched my Mom's eyes grow massive with surprise.

"P-pregnant?" She chuckled and shook her head as if this was some practical joke. Although, she stopped when she realised that it wasn't. "Kids, I am not pregnant. I have a headache because I was up last night in paper work. What gave you that idea any ways?".

"Stella found-".

"Stella found, out that numerous headaches are the first symptom of pregnancy and since you've been having them a lot, we just thought" I quickly explained before Willow could explain the whole positive test in the trash can, because I wasn't ready for her to begin to assume that I've had girls over and have got them pregnant too.

"But, just out of curiosity," I began and sat down on the arm rest of the couch. "Do you know of anyone who is pregnant?" I questioned so that I was able to rule out a friend of my Mom's or family member being pregnant.

"No, I don't actually" She answered and I nodded my head at her response while texting everyone else the update.

Stella's POV

"My Mom literally had no clue with what was going on. But I mean, J and I kept looking at her weirdly so she eventually asked and then I told her. But she barely freaked out," Willow explained as she pulled on her LBD.

"So if it's not your's, not your Mom's, who's else could it be?" Jordyn wondered and we all shrugged at the question.

"All I know is that I'd never put a pregnancy test in a kitchen trash can" Tynesha added while we all continued to touch up our make up and fix our dresses.

It came to 10 o'clock pm and most of the guests had started to arrive at Stass' house. One of them being Nate, as in my Mom's boyfriend's son, Nate. He had no plans for New Years so Stass said that it was cool for him to come since she wanted to meet him.

The party was being held mainly in the living room and kitchen, so upstairs was strictly a no-go zone, meaning Stassie was forced to look all of the bedroom doors for obvious reasons.

The room was dark and had flashing lights, and also bunch of colourful balloons scattered all over the place with music blasting so hard that the floor was vibrating a little. Since it's a New Years party, I was kind of wishing that I was able to drink my 2015 problems away and start a fresh - completely wasted and with a 12am kiss. But with a little person inside me, drinking alcohol was obviously an absolute no for me so lemonade became the only thing that I was drinking tonight.

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