Chapter 18: Sooner or Later

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Stella's POV - Tuesday 8:06am

It's been a week since we've been at Grayson. This week's is the official beginning of all lectures, clubs etc. I missed my lectures yesterday because my stomach began acting up. Throughout the rest of last week, I avoided going out with either Jaden, Moises or Mateo, or any new friends that i've sorta met like Blake, Eric, Harmony and Acacia. But there's a less reason for me to hang out with Jaden because he can have as much company as he wants from his new girlfriend, Tynesha. Which makes it as twice as hard than before to tell him that i'm pregnant.

I stood in front of the long mirror that hanged up on the wall, brushing my hair and clipping the shorter bits at the front to each side of my hair. My stomach caught my eye and I stood to the side, examining how it would look a few weeks from now yet you could see it bigger than usual. I wore a plain white v neck tee that was a little bigger than my normal size, black ripped jeans with floral Dr Martens along with a red and black flannel over my tee. Jordyn was in the shower and Stassie went to Harmony and Acacia's dorm. I continued to stare at my stomach threw the mirror, turning around and looking in different angles, but got taken out of my thoughts when someone knocked on the door.

"Hey guys, it's me" Mateo said behind the door. Since we have the first period together, we decided that we'll meet up on Tuesday mornings. He appeared in black jeans with a black button up MSFTS tee (buttoned up to the top), a black beanie and black skating shoes.

"Um, come in" I called after moving away from the mirror and sitting on my bed pretending to look through my phone.

"Sup Stella, are you feeling better?" He came in and asked as he sat on Stass' bed, opposite me.

"Yeah, sorta" I responded with a smile.

"Ok! So I'm in just my underwear and I can hear Mateo's voice, so no offence Teo, but i'm not leaving here until you leave" Jordyn loudly said making both laugh.

"Don't worry Jords, we're leaving now any ways" Teo chuckled. "You ready?"

"Yep, let's go, I'll see you in Drama Jordyn!" I shouted back at her.

"Kay!" She replied.

I picked up my black studded backpack and walked out with Teo.


Silence fell upon us. For my excuse, I didn't have to energy to speak and for Teo's, was probably because this was awkward, which is weird because i'm never awkward with him.

"Just to make sure" He started, thankfully breaking the silence. "You do know that you can tell either me, Moi or Jaden anything, right?"

I brought my head down when I realized where this conversation was going.

"Come on, of course I know that Teo" I answered.

"And we won't judge you no matter what it is" He deeply continued, making me reconsider on whether I should tell him or not.

"But you should know that I would tell you if I honestly had the guts too. I-it's just...i've never had to tell anyone anything this big before. And it's not you that i'm scared of telling you, it's Jaden, so since you guys have this bro code thing to tell each other everything. I-I can't" I looked back up at him and he just scratched the back of his neck.

"Okay. Okay, I understand" Mateo exclaimed. "We've got about 15 more minutes until class, you wanna go get a Starbucks quickly?"

"Mhm, okay" I agreed.


"I'll have an small iced coffee with milk please" Mateo ordered.

"Name?" The lady asked.

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