Chapter 47: Who's Is It?

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Stella's POV

"What time are we gonna leave because the earlier we go, the better stuff we get?" Stassie looked her at watch and asked Jordyn and I as we sat in Jaden's kitchen.

"Well, we're ready to go, it's the boys that are taking their time" I explained and got down from the island chair to go to the living room. "Guys, I thought that we were going shopping?" I stood in front of the TV as they kept gesturing for me to move away from this season's NBA play-offs.

"Stell, you know that we love you but please could you move out of the way before someone shoots and we miss it?" Moises clasped his hands together and begged. I stepped to the side, out of the way of the TV then folded my arms at their refusal. Jordyn and Stassie eventually came in.

"Hey, us girls were the ones who planned to go boxing day shopping, then y'all swooped in and wanted to come, so you either stay or go?" Jordyn spoke to them, yet they still payed no attention.

"Give us five more minutes, no more. We promise" Jaden said without even turning his head from the TV.

"Well, since we've got five minutes might as well have the orange juice that I've been craving all morning" I announced and went back into the kitchen to open up Jaden's fridge. I grabbed the carton and poured the small amount left into a glass, before stepping on the pedal to open the bin, and throw it away. But my eyes suddenly lit up when I noticed something inside it.

"Uh, have any of you guys taken a pregnancy test lately because-" I paused to grab stick out of the bin, with a tissue, to finish my sentence. "...and it's positive".

"That's definitely not mine" Jordyn defended herself and came closer to take a better look.

"And it's not mine either," Stassie said and did the same.

"Plus, it's a bit obvious that I'm pregnant so I don't think I'd need to double check" I continued.

Stassie turned her head to look at us both. "You don't think it's..." She began, yet we already knew who she was talking about.

"No, it can't be her. She has more common sense than this, she wouldn't" I quickly said, shaking my head for further defence.

"Are you girls ready to go?" Mateo entered the kitchen with Moises and Jaden, and I hastily hid the test behind my back - trying my best to act as normal as I can.

"Um, why do you all look so suspicious?" Jaden questioned with his eyebrow raised, then noticed my hand behind my back. "What's behind your back?".

"Nothing, you know, just my hand to support my back" I lied yet I could even tell that I wasn't very convincing.

"Guys, we're not stupid. Come on," Moises waited and Jordyn sighed, signalling for me to just tell them. I hesitated before revealing the stick from behind me.

"We found this in the trash can" I began.

"Woah, Stass?!" Mateo nervously yelled.

"Me?! If it was mine, I probably would of said so" She responded.

"So who's is it?" Moises wondered.

"Well, that's what we wanna know" I shrugged, but this situation was bringing back flashbacks of when I found out that I was pregnant.

"This better not be my baby sister's because I swear, I'll fucking murder the guy who did it to her" Jaden pointed his finger with complete seriousness and weird enough, at that moment, the front door opened.

"Hello? J, I'm back!" We all heard Willow say before she came into the kitchen. "Oh, hey. Where are y'all off to?" She happily asked, yet we all tried out best not to awkwardly stare at her.

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