Chapter 23: You Still Love Him/Her

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Sunday night - 1:13am

I was lying in my room and couldn't sleep because all that I've been thinking about for the last two days that Stella and I have been back in LA is how things will turn out when the baby's here. Honestly, I still haven't got my head around this and I don't know when I will. Stella seems quite calm about this on the outside, but I know that she's freaking out as much I as am in the room next door because it got a little too late, so Stella slept over our house.

I got out of bed and walked downstairs to the kitchen to get a glass of water and sat down on the island chair while looking through my phone.

"Wow, isn't it a bit to late to be up?" My dad walked in already dressed and said.

"Hey dad, why are you dressed?" 

"I've got a plane to Chicago to catch in about 2 hours and this was the earliest time that I could get. Didn't I tell you this yesterday?" Dad raised his eyebrow, while putting his jacket on.

"Um, yeah. I'm sorry. I just have a lot on my mind".

"Want to talk about it before I go?"

"Yeah, I guess so"

"So, talk to me" Dad sat opposite me and put his hands together.

"Before I do, can I ask you something?" 

"Go ahead" 

"Are you and mom still, like you know, mad at me for all of this?"

Dad slightly looked down and chuckled, then looked back up. "Obviously we're not thrilled about our 18 year old son having his own son in approximately 8 months, but we're not screaming at you anymore because we know that nothing's going to change and all you really need is our support".

"Yeah. Thanks. But were you and Sharee really freaked out when Trey was on the way?"

"Well we were both about 24 years old when he was born. No, we weren't as freaked out because Sharee being pregnant wasn't a surprise. But yes, getting the hang of the responsibility of looking after someone other than your self is hard to get used to but hey, it'll be a piece of cake before you know it"


"Absolutely" Dad replied.

"You see I don't wanna dissapoint Stella as well if I fail at this bec-"

"Jaden, Jaden" He interrupted. "She's probably thinking the exact same thing to you".

I didn't even reply, I just lightly smiled back at him. 

"Ok son, i've really got to go. I'll see you when you next visit, don't get into any trouble, look after Stella and just call me if you need me"

"Alright, i'll see you soon dad" I awkwardly waved.

"A wave? Seriously, come on, come give your old man a hug"

I sighed and went around the island table to give him a manly hug but being the embarrassing dad that he is, he kissed my cheek as I tried pushing him off in disgust.

"Ugh, ew, Dad! Really?!"

"Bye Jaden" He quietly yelled from near the front door, picked up his suitcase and left.

1:40am -

I went back upstairs to my room and sat down on the edge of my bed, searching through my phone. When my bedroom door suddenly opened and I saw Stella come in.

A Bump On The Road (Jaden Smith Fanfic) (Wattys 2015)Where stories live. Discover now