Chapter 17: Where It Begins

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Jaden's POV -

"What's her problem?" Tynesha rudely questioned after I shut the door.

"Nothing. We used to date and things between us right now are complicated" I sat back down and leaned forward, clasped my hands together and rested my elbows on my knees.

"Well I can help you get your mind of things" She seductively whispered in ear and pushed me back, making her able to sit on my lap, facing me. Tynesha kissed along my jawline and neck and teasingly rotated her hips on my crotch.

I completely went into deep thoat as Tynesha was working all over me. So she's the same the girl that's been flirting with me lately and she was just hanging around on her own after I had enough of getting mobbed by fans yet Moi and Teo were still enjoying it. I caught up with her, she told me about herself, she already knew some about me but I explained a few personal things and overall, she seemed like a nice girl. So I showed her my dorm if she ever needed me and things sorta led to another.

And no one can say that I cheated on Stella because from what I can see, she seems like she's even forgotten that we dated. It's like she's trying to hint out this friend zone thing and we haven't discussed anything at all about getting our relationship back on track...or maybe that's why she came over here. For fuck sake, i'm such an idiot.

"Um..." I began, to catch the attention that I wanted to stop and Tynesha clambered off me and I sat up.

"What's wrong?"

"Not to be rude, but could you leave? I've just got a lot on my mind right now" I explained as polite as I could.

"Yeah, sure. You've got my number, so call me sometime" She winked and left.

I purposely fell back onto my bed and sighed loudly about what I should do. Without hesitation, I picked up my phone and made my way to the girls' dorm.

Stella's POV -

I sat on the neatly made bed in the nurse's office with Jordyn and Stassie sitting on the chairs opposite me, waiting for the nurse to come and tell me what all this sickness is about.

"Stella Hudgens, right?" The nurse asked and I nodded, when she came in with a clipboard and wearing a typical long white coat. "What seems to be the problem?"

"For about 2 weeks now, I been having these crazy headaches that make me dizzy, stomach pains and fevers that come and go at random times. But only today, I was sick down the toilet 3 times. And I've been taking painkillers, but they haven't helped at all. I'm sure it's nothing serious though" I explained in detail.

"Ok. Let me just ask you, are you sexually active or have been around the beginning of this month, or perhaps near the end of last month?" The nurse awkwardly questioned and I thought back to Ibiza.

"Maybe like the beginning of last month, but of course there was protection used" I reassured, but was panicking inside.

"Yes, but there are some cases where the protection can not work or rip. Have you suggested that maybe you're pregnant?" She spoke and my heart skipped a beat, as I struggled to reply and find some excuse to this not being true.

"B-but that was the beginning of last month, wouldn't I have developed a bump by now?"

"Yes, but your case could be that the egg and the sperm took a while to actually fertilize" She answered, but I still didn't want to believe that this is true.

"Maybe there's some mistake, do you have like a pregnancy test that she can take right now?" Jordyn suggested.

"Yes, I do. Here you go" The nurse handed me a small white box and I slowly went into the toilet.

A Bump On The Road (Jaden Smith Fanfic) (Wattys 2015)Where stories live. Discover now