Chapter 34: Meet The Harrisons

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Stella's POV

I'm not even exaggerating but Jordyn, Stassie, Tynesha and I have been to more than 10 stores since they're fussing so much over what to wear to Andrea's parents' house. To be totally honest, I wasn't really bothered about impressing them as much like everyone else is.

"What does one even wear to something like this?" Stassie complained as she pushed past numerous clothing on the racks in Topshop.

"I need something that says my cousin is a good man and he really likes your daughter," Jordyn said.

Tynesha chuckled. "That'll be easier than finding something that screams my title,".

"How about you, Stell?" Stassie asked me, completely interrupting the thoughts I continued to trail into.

"I'll probably just show up in sweatpants, for all i care" I muttered back.

"Andrea's a nice girl, you know" Tynesha reminded me.

I sighed and walked closer to them. "I know that, she's extremely nice. Like it's so hard to find anything bad about her".

"Why would you need to any ways?" Jordyn questioned.

I shrugged my shoulders because I really didn't want to get into this conversation. "Forget I even said anything, let's just continue shopping" I said, then continued searching through the racks for an outfit.

We decided to have lunch at Sugarfish, and you're probably thinking that that's not really a suprise since we have sushi for lunch almost everyday.

"Wow, we actually haven't gone out to eat with just us girls in so long," Jordyn said.

"I know right, we should take this as an advantage because half of the stuff we want to say, we can't say infront of the guys" Stassie agreed.

I took a sip of my drink. "Like what?"

"Just random things like-" Jordyn was about to say until Stassie cut her off.

"Tynesha, have you and Moi had sex yet?" She suddenly came out with, causing Tynesha to almost chock on her drink and I swear, a few other people in the restuarant heard and started staring.

"Excuse me?" She questioned.

"Have you, and Moises-" I almost repeated for her.

"I heard the question, I just can't believe you said it".

"So?" Jordyn nudged as we waited for Tynesha to reply.

"That's none of your buisness" She shrugged off and continued eating.

"None of our buisness? We've only known you for less than 4 months, half of that time we barely even liked each other and you already know almost every detail of our lives" I explained, trying to make a point.

"Now it's your turn," Stassie continued.

"I don't know every detail, how many times have you guys done it?" She asked us all.

"Once" Stass answered.

"Twice," I then said.

"Twice" Jordyn said after.

"Oh...well, then Moi and I have done it once" She sipped her drink and looked down at her food, automatically giving away the fact that she was lying.

"Your lying!" I pointed out.

"No, i'm not!" She argued back.

"Yes, you are. You can't look anyone in the face when you're lying" Jordyn defended.

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