Chapter 43: Bonding

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Stella's POV -

After explaining the last crazy months as best as I could to Nate, we decided to go to the mall in downtown LA and do some last minute Christmas shopping.

"I don't know, it just seems like your love life is always so complicated" Nate said and I quietly sighed because it was true. I never know where my love life stands, I never know when I'm about to fall for them again or when I'm about to argue with them. I don't get how people say that the more disagreements you have, the stronger your relationship becomes because in my case it just seems like everything is going in the other direction.

"Yeah, it kinda is. Some people would be suprised that-" I completely cut myself off when I noticed Willow walking out of Aeropostale and wasn't really suprised to see who else was there behind her. "Oh for fuck sake," I said through my teeth and tried my best to look down so they wouldn't notice me.


"Jaden's over there" I said and stopped Nate from walking any further.

"Oh shit and you guys aren't talking, right?"


"So what are you gonna do?" He asked while I glanced up a little to check if the coast was clear yet.

"Try my best to avoid him and hopefully Willow doesn't see me".

"Hey, why don't we just go up to them?" Nate suggested and I furrowed my eyebrows at him like he was crazy.

"Did you not hear what I just said?".

"Come on, I have a plan. It'll be funny, trust me" Nate said and for some reason, I kinda did trust him already.

Nate quickly explained the plan to me and at first I wasn't too sure, but I haven't really had much fun in a while so this was worth a try.

"Oh, hey Stella!" Willow opened her arms out when I came over and Jaden looked up from his phone like he was surprised to see me.

"Hey," I smiled and hugged her tightly, still trying to recite the plan through my head.

"C'mon Willow, we've gotta be home for dinner soon” Jaden said as he tugged a little on her arm, although she gladly ignored him.

“So I guess you’re last minute shopping huh?” She said and gestured towards the numerous shopping bags in my hands,

I chuckled. “Of course, I mean I can barely do my Christmas shopping early and- ”.

“Uh, excuse me? Stella Hudgens, right?” Nate suddenly came over and said, signalling that the plan had begun. “Sorry to interrupt, I just couldn’t help but notice how gorgeous you are”. He continued and I subtly looked over at Jaden to see his reactions.

“Oh thank you” I giggled and placed my hand on my heart.

“Like your eyes are beautiful, they’re a dark hazel right?”.

“Wow, how’d you know?” I asked him.

“I could tell from a mile away, so I was wondering if you’d wanna go out sometime?” Nate continued.

“Yeah that’d be-“

“You do realise that she’s pregnant right? With my child?” Jaden all of a sudden interrupted with his jaw clenched and you could easily see the jealousy in his eyes.

Nate patted Jaden on the shoulder, who just glared and brushed his hand off. “I’m not stupid dude,” Nate told him as he handed me his phone to type my number in. “But it doesn’t bother me because she’s worth it,”.

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