Chapter 37: "Jealousy's a really ugly trait,"

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Stella's POV -

I really missed that feeling of the weight being lifted. The feeling of me explaining everything to just Austin, rather than to Jordyn or Stassie, or Tynesha, or Moises and Mateo. Or even Jaden. He just listens but doesn't necessarily give me the advice that I'm looking for. But maybe it's just talking to him that I've missed. Sitting with my feet up, him staring directly into my eyes so I was able to know that he was actually listening, and then ending the talk with his amazing hugs and terrible jokes that I'll always love.


We walked down the campus to Drama class and as soon as we entered the room, most people's eyes suddenly directed towards us - who eventually nudged their friends to do same. Then it was official, everyone currently in the room were staring at us.

"Um...what's going on?" Austin whispered to me.

I shrugged at the question. "I don't know but it's really weird. I'll, uh, be right back okay," I noticed Jordyn and Stass in their seats and went over to say hi, but from where I was looking, they seemed pretty disappointed in me.

"Stella, what do you think you're doing?" Jordyn asked and I squinted my eyes at the obvious answer.

"I'm saying hi to my best friends?".

"I'm talking about with Austin," She continued.

"Yeah, please tell me you didn't just come from his dorm," Stassie shook her head.

I played with the tips of hair, without giving them eye contact since I knew I was guilty as charged. "But nothing happened, he was just comforting me about things,".

"That's how it starts and before you know it, you'll end up making out and creating new babies" Jordyn exaggerated.

"Guys, you seriously need to lighten up sometimes," I chuckled and turned around to go and sit back next to Austin. I shortly glanced at the door when I heard it open, and accidentally caught eye contact with Jaden when he came in with Moises and Mateo. "Ugh here we go," I groaned and lightly threw my head back.

"Hey, don't worry," Austin comfortingly stroked the bottom of my thigh. "If he bothers you, I'll set him straight".

I placed my hand on top of his and smiled at how much he cared. "No it's fine, i'll handle it,".

Jaden and the boys walked to their seats from behind us. "Wow, I really thought you had more dignity than to go crying back into that dude's arms?" Jaden leant over and whispered in my ear, as Austin was too busy talking to his friends beside him. I just sighed at how immature Jaden was being.

"That dude's name is Austin and jealousy's a really ugly trait, you know," I slightly faced him and sarcastically smiled.

He clenched his jaw at my comment before he responded. "Stell, you know I see what game you're tryna play here,".

"Now you're just talking shit J because I'm not playing any games,".

Jaden smirked like he didn't believe me one bit and walked away, while I glared at the back of him. I soon turned back to my original position once Mrs Robinson walked in.

"Okay, I would like you all to get into pairs with the person you were with on your last assignment and discuss the criteria on the board" She announced and I instantly remembered that my partner was Jaden, although if I went over there and talked to him any longer, I know I'd explode.

"Miss, can't we just choose new partners?" I called out.

"Nope, go and pair up with Jaden immediately Miss Hudgens,". I huffed and got up to walk to where Jaden was sitting. I sat myself down on one chair away and folded my arms without facing him.

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