Chapter 35: You Had No Right, But I Still Love You

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A/N: I decided to go straight to the next morning than write about dinner at Andrea's parents' house because I started writing it but it just seemed so irrelevant and boring ahaha. But here's chapter 35...

6:34am. Stella's POV -

My eyes flickered open. I attempted to adjust to the darkness around me since I wasn't in my usual position on my bed. I noticed that I was still lying on our mini couch in our dorm with Tynesha passed out beside it on the floor. Then I looked around to room to see Stassie and Jordyn fast asleep in their beds, I must of been asleep already when they came home.

I was really in need of some fresh air since the room smelt like alcohol and fresh air puts the chances of me having morning sickness lower. Wearing sweatpants, a baggy white shirt and my UGG slippers I walked down the campus while searching through my phone. I didn't bother to look up to see where I was going because since it's 6am on a Saturday morning, and most people are probably completely hungover from last night so no one would really be around for me to bump into. But when I did, I saw a girl sitting with her back right up against the back of the bench but the closer I came, I started to realise who it was.

"Andrea?" I spoke just as I reached where she was sitting, causing her to lift her head up. It seemed like she was crying.

She quickly wiped her tears with her thumb. "Stella, what-what are you doing here?".

"I'm just getting some fresh air," I answered and sat down beside her. "Why are you crying?".

"It's actually really stupid, to be honest. Uh, last night, after Jaden and your friends left, my Dad told me that his job got moved back to England and since it's a really well paid job, him and my Mom have decided to move back there. And they want me to come too," Andrea explained. Not to sound rude, I only asked why she was crying to sound like a nice person but now that she's told me, this is definitely gotten interesting.

"And you're going?" I asked.

"I mean, I actually never intended on going college to begin with. It was only because I moved to the States and I thought, 'hey why not try something new for once Andrea?' but now that we're moving back, I just realise that this isn't what I want...but Jaden, we just officially started dating...he'll be crus-".

"You should go!" I unintentionally said loudly and quickly. "...I mean, be with your family and stick to your instincts".


"Yes, happiness and family before everything" I reassured her, and rubbed her back.

"But Jaden...".

"I've known him for a very, very long time. He'll understand, trust me".

Andrea got up off the bench and wiped her remaining tears and began smiling. "Wow, I can't believe I'm actually doing this," I stood up after her. "Thank you so much Stella" She suddenly embraced me with a hug as I rolled my eyes without her seeing.

"No problem," I fake smiled once we let go.



The crew and I were all talking away in Starbucks about the most random things and how the dinner went last night until Jaden walked in looking so depressed, that is almost abnormal.

"Hey, man. What's up?" Moises asked, sitting on the carpet floor in front of Tynesha.

"Andrea left" He announced, sitting on the couch beside Mateo.

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