Chapter 20: We're In This Together

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Jaden's POV -

"Jaden! Tell me this isn't true. Apparantly that girl Stella is a knocked up hoe and you're the baby daddy?" Tynesha came and stood in front of me when I tried getting to Stella and the guys.

"Not now Tynesha!" I yelled at her.

"Wait, so you're yelling at me? When you're the one with a child while you're still in a relationship with me?" She annoyingly continued.

"Seriously Tynesha, can you just shut up" Teo said to her, making her mouth drop.

"Jaden..." Stella began when Tynesha finally walked away and she came closer to me.

"Everyone fucking thinks i'm the bad guy here who doesn't want to support their child-I thought you guys went to the mall-and you two even knew" I struggled to speak and explain.

"Please, not here" She whispered. "Let's go to my dorm".

Stella kissed both Moi and Teo on the cheek and said thank you to them, then I followed her as people continued to point and give rude looks at not just me, but Stella too.


I entered the room first and started with my back turned and by the window sill while she closed the door.

"I-I'm sorry that you had to find out this way. I was going to tell you" I could hear Stella stutter.

"I just have to get my head around this. My parents are gonna kill me" I roughly pulled my hands down my face again and turned around to face her.

"It's not our fault that the condom ripped Jaden" She added, sitting down on her bed.

"How the fuck are we going to raise a child when we're literally beginning to raise ourselves?" I said, sitting down next to her.

"I don't know"

"When did the crew find out?" I asked, resting my elbows on my knees.

"Jordyn and Stass were there when I took the pregnancy test and the boys found out by accident 3 days ago"

"How long have you known for?" I asked again, turning my head to her.

"I-I found out on the Monday that we came here. That's why you saw me crying with the rest of the crew. And again, i'm sorry that I didn't tell you sooner. It was just so difficult to tell you and because we broke up, and then Tynesha was in the way"

"You can't even get an abortion after almost 2 weeks of pregnancy" I mumbled.

"Excuse me? Abortion?! Even when I was 5 minutes pregnant, abortion didn't even come into my mind, once. I would never kill an innocent baby" Stella defended and slightly turned away from me, in disappointment.

"I didn't mean abortion..."

"Then what did you mean? Adoption? Because I never do that either" She once again defended.

"Stella, we have no freaking choice. You said it yourself, we're not ready to raise a child. And ok, I admit, abortion is terrible, that's why adoption is an option as well" Quite loudly, I argued back, hoping she'd change her mind.

"I don't care J. I'm not going to let this child go through something as big as having to find their real parents and think that we didn't love them enough to keep them" Stella loudly explained.

"Then we can just explain that we were only 18 years old. They'll understand that it's hard to care for a baby when you're not even half way through the freaking first year of college"

"No. I'm sorry. You can't make me give this baby up for adoption, w-we're just gonna have to find a way to make this work. Our parents or something" Stella suggested.

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