Chapter 49: Party Aftermath

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Due to last night, I knew that I would be the first one to wake up since, I was the only one who didn't binge down alcohol all night. The night ended with people drunkly leaving Stassie's house at around 3am and as for the crew, we all ended up in her room playing spin the bottle and another round of Never Have I Ever - resulting into them being passed out in multiple places and positions around the bedroom. One being Moises asleep in the bathtub.

Whereas I was sat comfortably on Stassie's bed with Jordyn laying upside down beside me. I laughed quietly to myself before climbing out of the covers and observing my smudged make up in the mirror, before going downstairs. The living room was completely trashed with red cups, beer cans, bottles, pizza boxes, confetti and balloons. I stepped around the mess, wondering how long it would take Stass to clear all of this up, and going towards the backyard to get some fresh air.

Being out in the open weirdly enough calms down my morning sickness, so I sat down on the small porch, taking in the 10am air of 2016.

"You're up early," I heard Jaden yawn from behind me as he came and joined me on the porch. He placed his arm over my shoulder and slightly pulled me closer towards him, kissing the top of my head.

"I could say the same thing to you. How's the hangover holding up?" I questioned, glancing once at him.

"Right now, my head feels like thousands of gorillas are aggressively and continuously pounding against it" He humorously exaggerated and I laughed at his banter.

"Looks like someone should of stuck to lemonade like a certain girlfriend of their's" Nudging him a little, I said and stared ahead at the backyard, waiting for his response. But I looked back at him to see him smiling like an idiot at me. "What?".

"You said girlfriend," He states and then I finally realise that that's the first time that I've referred to myself as his girlfriend, in so long.

"Well yeah, that's because I am. Right?" Sheepishly, I asked just to check that we are on the same page in our relationship.

"Yes!" Jaden quickly responded and I giggled at his eagerness. "Sorry, I mean, yeah. Yeah, you are," He softly told me before leaning his head closer, aiming for a kiss until I dodged his head.

"Ok, but if you want to give your girlfriend a kiss, you're going to have to get rid of that morning breath first," I chuckled, placing my hand over his mouth as he tried to get to my lips once again.

"You're supposed to love me for better and for worse" He pouted, removing his arm from my shoulder.

"That's when we're married, genius" I corrected him just as I stood up to go back inside and harmlessly slapped his head.

"We can get an early head start" Jaden continued, still desperate for a kiss while I was making my way through the trash filled living room to go up the stairs.

I paused on the first step. "I'm not gonna kiss you until you wash out that alcohol and morning breath smell, J," I told him with a giggle until I felt him swoop his arms around my hips, and try to prevent me from walking up the stairs. I squealed in his hold, aiming to get down and dodge his face.

"Could you guys be any louder?" Nate groaned from the top of the steps, making Jaden left go of me and my eyes widen at how he stood there wearing no pants. "There's six of us up there with the biggest hangovers, so shut the fuck up" Harshly, he reminded us and was about to turn back around, but I stopped him.

"You're not going to bed, mister. We've got to get going back to mine" I said yet Nate just responded with a loud groan, sitting himself down on the steps.

"My dad is going to freak when he sees that I have a hangover," He complained into his hands.

"Bro, you drank a lot last night. There's no hiding that" Jaden added.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2015 ⏰

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