Chapter 39: Mistake

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Jaden's POV -

I rubbed my eyes and constantly flickered them, making me recognise that I wasn't in my own room. I hastily sat up but it turned into a huge mistake when my head felt like it was being attacked by bullets every second.

I looked down at my body to see that I was shirtless and in my boxers, when a girl walked out of the bathroom and stood in it's doorway, wearing my white shirt with her hair all messy. Then I remembered what happened last night. The conversation with Stella. The club/bar. The shots. The beer. The girl.

"Good morning sleepy head," She smirked while biting her lip.

I coughed to prevent a strong morning voice. "Morning".

"So last night was pretty great, don't you think?" She unbuttoned one of the top buttons from my shirt to reveal her chest a little more, although I wasn't really bothered or paying attention. I just needed to get out of here.

"I guess so, do you know where my phone is?" I looked under the bed covers and around the side tables, still trying to be careful about my pounding headache.

"Yeah, it's here," The girl replied as she tossed me my phone that only contained 2%. "You're really popular, a lot people have been trying to contact you while you were asleep".

"Please tell me that you didn't answer any of them" I groaned and quickly unlocked it to see the 8 missed calls. Mateo, Mateo, Mateo, Moises, Moises, Tynesha, Tynesha- the battery died before I could even check the calls that were actually answered.

"Only a few. There was a guy named Rateo, i think, then another guy named Moises, then this random girl,". She shrugged and walked towards the mirror in the room and began looking at her figure in different poses.

"Stella?!" I panicked, praying to God that it wasn't her who called.

The girl wasn't really paying attention to my paranoia but instead continued admiring her figure. "I don't really remember," She said.

"Well, think!" I yelled.

She whipped around when I raised my voice. "Gosh, I don't fucking know. I don't think it was Stella, I think it was Maneesha?"

"Tynesha?!" I asked.

"Yep! That's it," She snapped her fingers at the answer.

"Oh, thank god" I chuckled and ran my fingers through my hair in relief, then got up off the bed to find my pants and shoes.

"What? Is Stella your girlfriend or something?".

"No, she's not" I clenched my jaw.

"Then why are you stressing out?" She asked again as she watched me search for my clothing.

"Don't worry" I brushed off.

"Right. Okay well, what do you like pancakes or waffles?" The girl randomly asked and I raised my eyebrow.


"For breakfast," She added. "I mean, I don't really do this after the job but..."

"Yeah I really need to go now," I changed the subject because who knows I'll probably be seduced to stay. I pulled on my pants and slipped on my shoes. "What do you mean by job any ways?".

"Um, my job? Go to the club, get guys, fuck them and then you have to give me a little something before you leave" She explained and caused me to pause in my tracks when I realised, and felt quite disgusted at what I did.

"You-you mean you're a hooker?" I asked just to be sure.

"No, I'm Alexa but I prefer to call myself an escort" She said, adding quotation gestures to the correction.

A Bump On The Road (Jaden Smith Fanfic) (Wattys 2015)Where stories live. Discover now