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Girls POV: (Approximately two years after Gally being sent up to the Glade)

Darkness surrounding the cold room. Wind rushing against my body spreading goosebumps along my bare arms. Chills running up my spine as flashing lights came into sight. This room was not a room though; it was moving. It was going up. It's a wired cage of sorts. Why am I locked up like some sort of animal? Who put me here? Where am I? What's happening? Where am I going? Questions rushed through my head causing myself to feel dizzy and overwhelmed. However, one question in particular stood out. 

Who am I?

The sudden fear and rush of confusion started to pump through my veins, heartbeat picking up pace as tears formed in my eyes and were starting to fall. It was like a non-stop waterfall. I could not remember a single thing about who I am. Not my age, my eye colour, favourite food, my family, where I am from, or what I even look like. In an attempt to figure this mess out, I focussed trying to pick a part my mind but it was as if there was a barrier to all the information that could answer my questions. 

Just as my sobs began to increase a sound broke me out of this trance. It was an animal? A pig? I slowly stood up while making sure I didn't bump my head and moved over to a box and lifted the tarp to find a pig. His snort was loud and obnoxious that covered over the loud sounds of the moving cage. It startled me and I jumped back and bumped into another box.

Sweat and tears dripped down my face. Bruises and scrapes were covering my body, clueless of how they got there. Pain rippling through my shoulder. Once again clueless of how it happened. Then it all stopped! Lights were gone, it was silent and it was dark. An ear piercing sound rippled through the cold cage just then. Doors above me appeared to be opening. Quickly I hid behind one of the crates preparing for the worst of what may be above. A new level of brightness shined, burning and scorching into my eyes. Voices appeared above... boys. Sounded like a few, possibly teen boys. 

"Hopefully it's someone who can actually cook!" 

"Hey! I heard that. And we all know my cooking is way better than Winstons klunk" 

"Shuck off!" 

"Maybe it will be someone who finally appreciates my cooking." 

"Would you all bloody shut up and open the cage!" A British accent blared over the others, silencing them all. 

Cage doors were swung open and seconds later a boy jumped down. He did not have a British accent like the one, it was a different boy who had dark skin with rather large biceps. 

"What do you see Alby?!" a questioning boy shouted from above. 

"Oh my shucking god!" Said the man aloud as he stood in front of me. Fear and amazement dancing across his face. 

"You okay Alby! What's going on?" The British boy asked. When the boy, Alby, didn't reply, the impatient British boy jumped down to see for himself what had caused Alby to be so distraught. 

"What is taking so... bloody hell." His jaw fell to the floor. 

"Newt! What's happening?!" A new voice came from above. This voice sent a chill down my spin. It sounded familiar. How was that possible? 

"IT'S A SHUCKING GIRL!!" The British boy, Newt, exclaimed. 

Gasps roared through the above crowd. Boys talking over one another with nonstop questions and comments; 

"No way a girl?!"

"What does she look like?" 


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