Oh-Oh. We're in trouble.

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We ran back through the maze and only just crossed the threshold when I saw Chuck standing nervously and anxiously.

"Guys... Guys." He said to catch the others attention. "Gally found out you guys left."

"Oh no. The big bad wolf is mad." I huffed sarcastically, rolling my eyes. I wasn't scared of him, though I could tell the others became scared.

"He called a meeting of the keepers. Everyone's at council hall" Chuck pointed. Minho looked over nervously. We all headed over to the council hall and barged in just as Jeff and Clint were leaving. Sure enough, there he was. Mr. Gally looked all frustrated.

"Oh, it's nice for you to join us." Gally said rudely. "You boys enjoyed your field trip?"

"Boys and women." I corrected in which he just rolled his eyes.

"Of course you went." He sighed.

"What the hell, Gally? You think you can call a keeper meeting without us?" Minho asked harshly.

"Last time I checked the greenie and Finley aren't keepers. Mind waiting out side."

Thomas was about to turn around, when I caught his arm and pulled him back to stand beside me.

"They stay." Minho ordered. "What's the point of all of this?"

"We have two hours until sundown, we gotta figure out what to do with Alby." Newt sighed sadly.

"You want to banish him?" Winston asked.

"No. No one wants to banish anyone, alright? But, he is stung. We don't have a choice."

"Yes we do." Thomas spoke up.

"You say something, newbie?"

"Yeah, we have a choice. We don't have to banish Alby."

"Right? And how is that?" Thomas yanked the weird object we found from inside of the griever out of my hand- my hand which is still covered in blood and gross, sticky griever guts- Thomas held the object up and walked over to Newt and handed it to him.

"We found this... on our field trip." Thomas sent a glare towards where Gally stood. Newt took the object that was handed to him, admiring it. "It was inside a griever."

"Which I stuck my hand inside of." I said proudly, looking down at my hands that were coloured in an assortment of remnants from the griever.

"That's not something to be proud of, Fin." Zart stated.

"I think it is." I continued to smile proudly.

"These are the same letters we get on our supplies." Newt pointed out.

"Yeah, whoever put us here obviously made the grievers and this is the first real clue, the first anything you found over in three years, right Minho?" Thomas looked over to the keeper of runners.

"Right," he confirmed.

"Newt... we're going back out there. Who knows where-" At this point, this shit became boring and I zoned out.

Whoops. Sorry not sorry.

Everyone began heading out and I took that as my cue to head back into reality and follow them. I ran up to Minho and Thomas who were heading towards the forest.

"What's happening?" I asked.

"Showing Thomas the runners hut and filling him on everything he should know." Minho explained.

"What? Why? Only runners are aloud in the runner's hut." I replied confused.

"You never pay attention, do you?"

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