And he's gone... again

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I sat in the kitchen with Chuck and greenie- even though both Chuck and greenie should have been doing their jobs- talking and watching Fry cook dinner after I had much needed shower. Sitting in that warm shower really helped distract myself of everything going on. 

While sitting in the kitchen, I drowned out their voices once Thomas began to ask a hundred questions to Fry. I had this feeling in the pit of my stomach, the same one I had when I locked myself in the runner's hut. I don't want to lose Ben, I can't. I tried to get rid of these thoughts by distracting myself, I turned to Chuck who sat in the stool beside me, carving at his little figure. He held the knife tightly in his hand as he dug and scrapped the sharp edge against the piece of wood. When Chuck first came up in the box he was in desperate need of a hobby to keep his little mind distracted. Carving was something that him and I did on our free time together, and we loved it. It was fun and relaxing. Clint and Jeff however did not enjoy it since every time I carved, Chuck would have to bring me to the med hut to get bandaged up.

"The carving looks good, Chuckie boy." I smiled down at him. He looked up from his carving to look at me. 

"Thanks, Fin. I'm planning on giving it to my parents when we get out of here." He spoke before looking back down at his carving to continue his amazing work. 

"Listen, greenie. There is nothing we can do, okay?" Fry sighed loudly, catching my attention. I was about to join their conversation when someone walked into the kitchen. It was Gally. I haven't had a chance to speak to him since I woke up. I have been so busy with Ben and getting a check up on my stitches and cleaning myself up, that I never had the chance to speak to him. 

"It's time." He spoke from the doorway, looking directly into my eyes. His ocean, blue eyes melting my heart. But that melting turned into a pain once what he said registered in my head. I stood up and walked out, passing Gally on my way. I walked to the field and towards the maze doors. I grabbed my pole and stood beside all the other gladers. They all looked at me in surprise, pity, and sympathy. I ignored their stares and took deep breathes to prepare myself. 

I have seen my fair share of banishments since I arrived at the glade eight months ago; from Billy to a runner or two that had been stung. However, seeing that it is now my own brother being banished it was way harder than I could have ever imagined. Usually, after a banishment we would try to forget and move on, but I don't think I could do it this time. If I could, I'd think I was heartless and a psychopath, after all he is my brother.

I stood in front of the maze doors with my pole along with the other gladers. The greenie and Chuck stood a few feet away. Chuck with fear in his eyes and confusion written all over Thomas's face. Chuck soon left, unable to stay and watch. Gally stood beside me with a stone cold expression. I turned my head to take a glance to see if Ben was coming, and he was. I did not anticipate the state he would be in.

Black veins covering his neck and parts of his arms. A black substance dripped down his chin. His eyes hid a wild look in them. Out of the couple gladers I have seen that had been stung, they never looked as horrific as Ben does now. He is almost unrecognizable to the Ben I know. No longer that glint of hope and happiness. No longer that huge smile that was so welcoming that it made the whole room around him smile along.

Minho was behind Ben, directing him to the entrance while restraints were tied tightly around Ben's wrist, sure to give rope burn. They entered the semi circle we had created around the entrance. Ben looked in my direction with one last pleading look. I was almost about to give in before my attention was moved to Minho who tossed a nap sack into the maze with a days worth of food- they decided to start doing so on behalf of my incident from a little over a month ago.

"Please... please." Ben muttered to his leader, Alby, in one more attempt to stay.

"Poles!" Alby yelled, not letting his words get to him. I picked my pole up and put into position along with the other gladers who had poles, there was a strain of soreness in my arm while holding the pole. We began to push Ben in the direction of the now closing doors. Ben continued to beg as he was shoved in more.

He looked over at me, our sight connected and he could see the look of hesitation and heartbreak I held. He came directly to my pole knowing I'd be the weak one. I was about to shove back, but couldn't find myself to do so. He took this as his chance out and shoved at my pole causing me to fly back with a thud when I hit the ground. Ben was about to run out through the gap that stood open, luckily, Gally stepped in front and shoved him back one last time before the doors completely shut. Locking Ben in the maze. Forever. That is if there is to be some slight miracle to occur over night and he was to miraculously be cured. But, I knew that was not going to happen. 

"He belongs to the maze now." Alby stated as the others started to set their poles against the walls. Newt gave me a hand to put me to my feet again. He gave a quick hug with pity eyes before heading off with the others. I joined seconds later before taking one last look at the maze that has taken my brother into its mysterious abyss.

As I began to take my steps away, Thomas had joined in walking beside me. "Why did you guys do that?" He asked.

"It had to be done." I stated coldly.

"Are you guys heartless or something? Not a single tear. Not a single second thought and you guys just killed him!" This pushed over a fine line, I turned around abruptly to face this greenie who is too curious for his own good.

"Heartless? I am not heartless. But, living in this hell-hole sometimes you have to act like it to survive. I love him! Okay? He is my brother-" I paused, "was my brother. Of course it was shucking hard! No one wants to banish anyone, but when someone is stung and is not immune! It has to be done for the safety of everyone! Soon enough you will realize what we did was the right thing. Being here you learn it is better to forget." I finish off and stomp away to my bedroom in the homestead.

The second I step into my room, I shut the door. Tears began to fall as my back slid against the wall until I fell to the cold, hardwood floor. I can't take this anymore. I wanted to leave the maze. I needed to. I didn't care how I would or who I would go with, I just wanted to leave. I pushed away that feeling in the pit of my stomach that wanted me to give up on living and I focused on my mind telling me to live. Live for Ben and all the gladers we have lost through the years of being here. All I know is I am getting out of this shitty place before it kills anyone else. And when I do, I will kill the people who put us here for taking Theo from me and now Ben! I don't care if that means I have to kill my own mother. 

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