Ben the Runner

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Last night was hectic, so much happened. From that memory I had while sleeping to kissing Gally. It was so hard to focus while working the next day. In the morning I was working with Jeff and Clint to try out the medjack position. During lunch I explained my dream or memory or whatever I had to Alby, he didn't say much besides the fact he agreed with Fry that it was a memory. I decided I should tell Ben about it too, but had asked Alby to tell him for me. I wasn't exactly sure how to say 'I had a memory last night while I was sleeping. Turns out you're my brother.' 

I guess I could just say like that

Alby said he would tell Ben for me though, now I just have to wait. In the afternoon I was with the builders. Which was even worse than cooking with Fry. I could not count how many cuts and splinters I had got. Everytime I did so, Gally would laugh. I honestly don't see what's so funny, I'm clumsy so what? I practically spent my afternoon in the medjack hut getting bandaged up. 

I am never going to find a job. 

Unless there was a job for 'clumsiest and coolest glader'. I would be amazing at that

Before dinner, Alby ordered a council meeting with the keepers to discuss what to do with Billy. He has been in the pit since the night in the forest. I was nervous of what was going to happen to him, which is weird cause that slinthead deserves whatever is going to come his way. He is rude and disgusting and should learn what 'brushing your teeth' means. 

Yikes, I can still smell the awful stench

I sat on a log while the keepers were in the council hall. Ben began to approach me. 

"So... Alby told me about your dream or memory." He started the conversation. "You're my sister?" he asked for reassurance. 

"I'm not sure. I think... maybe... possibly... I don't know" I stuttered at my uncertainty. 

"Minho and I were talking about it after Alby told me. Minho thinks we look alike." he mentioned. 


"Yeah. Both have blonde hair, green eyes, and Minho said something about our face shape and jaw line. I don't know." We both laughed "When I first saw you in the box when you arrived, I thought you looked familiar."

"When I first saw you with Minho that day, I thought the same thing. Like I knew you," I explained. 

"Are we actually sister and brother then?" He asked. 

"I guess so," I replied. We smiled at one another. 

"Who do you think is the oldest?" He asked another question, this time with a smirk.

"Me, I'm way more mature." We laughed as he lightly nudged my shoulder. 

"Please, no way. I am definitely more mature than you." He said between laughs.

"If you say so... 'big' bro" before either of us could continue the conversation the council hall door flew open. Gally and Minho came out holding onto Billy, he had restraints on his wrist. The other keepers followed them out of the council hall. Everyone was waiting outside to hear the punishment. 

"He better get banished for what he did." I heard one kid whisper beside me. 

"Silence. Silence, everyone" Alby began to speak "The keepers and I have come to a conclusion, Billy broke a rule and he hurt Finley. The punishment of banishment is final." Whispers and gasps broke out among the crowd. 

"Shut it!" Alby hollered in an attempt to silence the gladers "And a fourth rule has been put into place. Anyone who touches Finley without her permission will be banished immediately" Once again whispers were unleashed in the crowd. A feeling of safety and relief flooded over me. 

"Don't worry sis, you're safe now. I promise to make sure of that." Ben whispered as he stood beside me. I felt safe and happy knowing that Ben would protect me.

"The doors close in 15 minutes so everyone get your poles and spears." Alby instructed the group. I was unsure of what to do, so I followed Ben. Before I knew it the gladers had formed a semicircle around the entrance to the maze holding poles and spears with Billy in the middle. Gally cut the restraints and tossed a knapsack into the corridor of the maze. 

A big gust of window broke through the doors as loud creaking sounds filled the air. The doors were closing. The gladers lowered their poles beginning to push inward forcing Billy to go in the maze. Other gladers on the outskirts of the semicircle with spears to make sure Billy doesn't try to escape. Billy did in fact try to push back but the poles didn't allow him to leave. I stood there watching it all happening. For a split second I felt bad for the guy. I shouldn't though. He deserves this. 

"Finley! This is your fault!" Billy yelled as his last words before the doors fully shut leaving him on the other side with whatever lurks in the maze. 

"He belongs to the maze now." Alby firmly said as he walked away with the other gladers to put their poles away. 

"You okay?" Ben asked once everyone left. 

"Yeah, you?"

"Yeah. Let's go get some food" he said, showing me the way to the dinning hall. I was starving, but after Billy's banishment my hunger was completely gone. I just played with my food rather than eating. Quite a few gladers were glad to see Billy gone, way more than half to be exact, but they all had a gloomy cloud floating over their heads still. Supposedly, he was one of the first to arrive. 

I as well had a bit of a gloomy cloud floating over me. Not only from just witnessing my first banishment here at the glade, but also because Gally had kissed me last night and has not said a word since. It's like he is ignoring me. 

Why? I thought he wanted to kiss me too. Maybe I wasn't good at kissing or maybe it was a spur of the moment sort of thing because he still pitied me for leaving me in the forest that night. Yeah, he probably just kissed me to make himself feel better. Better watch yourself Gally. I now have the ultimate and evil pour of banishment. Mwah ha ha. Seriously though, I have so much power- 

"Finley?" Newt broke me from my thoughts. I looked up to him to see the whole table starring at me. 


"You okay? You haven't eaten a bite of your food." Jeff said from his seat across from me.

"Not that hungry." 

"You need to eat something. I know it's hard seeing your first banishment, but it will be easier with some food in your stomach." Winston spoke. 

"Fine. I'll take a few bites, only for you though Winnie." I said with a smile which made everyone else watching smile too. 

I picked my spoon up and took a few bites of my carrots and peas. That was until something was thrown at my head and it bounced off and fell onto my plate. 

"Hey!" I looked over to see Fry with a devilish grin and a basket of biscuits in hand. 

"What? Do you not want a biscuits." Looking back at my plate the item that hit me in the head sat there on top of my carrots. It was indeed a biscuit. "If not I will gladly eat it for you." 

"No! No, thank you. I am sure I can handle eating it on my own." I reassured him and everyone chuckled lightly as I picked up my biscuits in my hands and took a bite. Still warm and soft, must be fresh from the oven. It taste like heaven. 

YUM! I want more.

"Hey, Fry! Pass me a biscuit too?" Ben asked from his seat beside me. 

"Hell no! You already had one." Fry hollered back and Ben pouted. 

"I would give you a bite of my biscuit, but it is too good to share. Sorry not sorry." I said with a mouth full of biscuit. Everyone laughed once again as Ben continued to sulk. 

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