First Day

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When Gally went back to his hammock, I laid back down in my own and closed my eyes. After Gally's reassuring words I was able to go right to sleep. However, it did not last as long as I hoped since I was shaken awake by a too excited Frypan. His energy was too much for me this early in the morning. "Come on greenie! Wake up! Wake up! Let's gooo!!!" he whisper-shouted into my ear as he eagerly shook me. He continued to shake me even when my eyes began to re-open, hesitant at first from the bright light shining down from the sun and through the branches and leaves of the trees above.

"Hey! Hey! Calm down. I'm up, Okay!" I replied as I rubbed out the sleep from my eyes.

"We have a big day ahead! Alby said you can spend the morning with me in the kitchen as long as you don't burn down the glade. That would be one hell of a way to get out of the maze though." He talked a thousand words a minute, too much for me to comprehend with the slow morning brain I had.

"I don't think concrete walls would burn down, Fry," I replied with a light chuckle, a few other gladers that must have woken up from Fry laughed along too.

"No, I guess not." He sighed.

"Slow down Fry. The girl just woke up, give her a minute" Minho said while laying in his own hammock still half asleep. "You're hurting my head too."

A few of the other awake gladers chuckled again along with myself. "Nice black eye greenie." Newt mentioned as he rose from his hammock. I put my hand against my eye and was able to feel it being slightly swollen. Amazing.

"I think the black eye makes you look badass. Anyway, in the afternoon you will be in the gardens with Newt. But, for now we got some hungry gladers to feed. So get your lazy ass out of that hammock and let's go!!" he exclaimed while most likely waking up the few gladers who have yet to be awaken from his eager voice.

"Only if you lower your positive energy. It's too much for this early in the morning" all the gladers laughed now.

"Well you're not a morning person I'm assuming." he replied with a huge grin still painted across his face.

"Oh really, I had no clue!"

"Hey! I'm the sassy, sarcastic one!" Minho yelled, sitting upright in his hammock.

"Well, that waked Minho up."

Frypan began to walk away to the kitchen with me slipping out from under my blanket and hammock, quickly tying my boots up and trying to catch up to him while dodging some trees. Just as I am a few steps behind him I hear Frypan whisper under his breath. "Mental note: Greenie is really not a morning person."

"I heard that!" This once more earned the gladers to laugh.

"Oh shuck! Greenie got some golden ears," Frypan said as he began to jog away from me in a hurry.

"Don't you try to run!" I hollered back. At this point all the gladers have woken up from Fry and mine shenanigans and are fully laughing all like mad men... or mad boys?

"Bet you can't catch me!" Fry yelled back as he picked up his speed.

"You wanna make a bet on that?!" I shouted, laughing as I picked up my own pace with ease.

"Oh yeah!" I began to jog out from under the edge of the forest and towards Fry. It was not hard to catch up to him, like Minho said yesterday, I am pretty fast. I ran to the point that I was ahead of him and turned around so I was running backwards. I tapped him on the shoulder "got ya!"

We both laughed and stopped running. "Not gonna lie. You are very fast, you should be a runner" Fry mentioned.

"That's the second person to say that"

"It's true though."

"I'll consider it I guess."

"Good. Maybe we can finally find a way out of here. Minho is too much of a lazy ass to do so."

"Hey!" We heard Minho shout from his hammock where he most likely is trying to go back to sleep. He said he has the day off today since the greenie bonfire was last night and he also had yesterday off because he had a free day saved and thought- and I quote- 'why not'. He had also told me he was glad he did use his free day yesterday since I, the first girl of the glade, arrived- and I quote again- 'one hell of a day I wouldn't wanna miss, making history here'.

"Looks like Minho has golden ears too. Must be the sassy, sarcastic people that only have them." I explained which earned more laughs from other gladers, all whom are still in their hammocks.

Lazy asses.

"Its true! Only the finest and smartest are allowed to have the great ability of hearing." Minho exclaimed as he attempted to speak in an accent. Why an accent, I don't even know.

"I think it is the ugly shanks that have good hearing actually." Newt clarified.

"Sure, Newt what ever helps you sleep at night. I'm sure you would usually sleep terribly since you aren't the finest nor the smartest like Minho and I." I hollered back over to Newt.

Just as I finished speaking that a door to a hut that Fry and I were standing beside flew open.

It was Billy.

Wait... Billy? Like the unconscious Billy that I knocked out last night in the circle? Yep that Bully- I mean Billy. Whoops. My bad.

"Oh no" I muttered aloud.

He came and shoved me to the ground. My back smacking down against the hard, dewy grass.

I cannot catch a break, can I?

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" Gladers shouted from where they laid in their hammocks, they quickly got up and ran over. Billy began to throw punches at my nose, jaw, and eyes. Fry tried to pull him off of me, but was unable as Billy shoved him with full force and Fry's back collided to the dirty and dewy ground with a thud. Billy's hands were now covered in crimson, red blood... my crimson, red blood.

Jeez, this ain't gonna end well for me.

I was unsure if it was my blood or his, but surely most of it was mine. Finally, someone pulled Billy off of me. It was hard to see who, my eyes were becoming black and slowly started to shut. Pain rushed through my head as I could feel tears and blood drip down my cheeks.

"Never touch her again!" I heard a voice shout. It was Gally's and through my squinted eyes I saw Gally throw a punch at Billy. Fry and Minho assisted me to get up as Clint and Jeff rushed over. Alby and a couple other gladers yelled at Gally as they tried to pry him off the now almost unconscious- once again- Billy. As soon as they did, Alby ordered Gally and Billy both to go to the pits, separate pits obviously.

"Are you okay greenie?" Minho asked. My reply was unnecessary as I am sure I looked like, as the gladers say, klunk.

"Just peachy." I mumbled as a very drops of blood spat out when I spoke. I spat out some blood that gathered up in my mouth. "Oh- clean up on aisle seven." I muttered, pointing at the blood I just spat out.

My eyes became heavy and I fell backwards, luckily caught by Minho. Everything became fuzzy before I feel into a dark abyss where it all went completely black.

Who turned off the sun? Rude.

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