Escaping this Shit Hole

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Thomas led us through the maze to section seven where the griever hole was. The glader's looked around astonished by the sights of the maze since for  what they can remember the glade is the only place they know.

"Almost there!" Thomas in courage's the group.

Once we finally arrive at the entrance of the corridor we all stop. Pressing our backs against the wall, waiting for Thomas' next order. Thomas peeks his head around the corner, his breath hitched and he pulls himself back from around the corner.

"Is there a griever?" Chuck asked worried.

"Yeah." Thomas mutters.

"Shit." Chuck and I said in union.

We all look at each other in fear, wondering if we could actually do this.

Wait... who am I kidding. Of course I can do this. I have spent two whole nights stuck in the maze! I have dealt with being chased by grievers and even being stung! And hell, I full on murdered a griever last night... twice! I can totally do this!

"You take this, Chuck," Minho spoke, handing the 'key' as they now call it to the young boy. "Stay behind us." Minho told him.

"Its okay, just stick with me." Teresa assured the boy as she tied up her hair with the hair tie that I did end up giving her.

"Once we're through, it will activate, and the door will open. Alright? We stay close, we stick together, we get through this, we get out now... or we did trying" Thomas finished his inspirational speech. Thomas nods in Newts direction. Once Thomas looks away I could see the slight blush on Newt's usually pale cheeks.

"Ready?" Minho asks while he takes his machete out of his pack, preparing himself.

"Alright! Let's go!" Thomas hollered. All the glader's ran toward the griever with their spears and machetes in the air while they screamed and yelled.

The griever stops in its tracks when seeing us, it lets out a monstrous roar before charging at us. I and the other glader's that stood in the front of the group rammed our spears at the griever to back it away from us and clear a safe passage to the door for Chuck and Teresa. The stabs of our spears were barely affecting the griever as it stood 10x taller than all of us.

"GET UP! LOOK OUT!" A glader yells. We stab it again, pushing the griever toward the edge. The griever becomes enraged and swipes its claws and tail at us, luckily, we all duck on timing.

"LOOK OUT!" Another glader shouts. Before they could move the grievers claw grasped at the boy and throws him off the edge while he cried out for help.

"NO!" We hollered.

The griever slams it's tail down on the concrete in front of Teresa, she uses her machete to chop at the metal tail, unfortunately in her efforts the tail whacked the key out of Chuck's hand.

"The Key!" Chuck yells in alarm while he runs after it. I was about to go help him when the grievers tale swings at me.

"CHUCK WATCH THE EDGE!" I hear Teresa yell.

He skids to his knees and grabs the key before losing balance and almost falling off the edge. Teresa helps him back up by pulling him up by his backpack. We gather together and use our spears to push the griever over the edge.

"Come on!" Teresa yells.

"They're coming, Finley!" Chuck notifies us.

We all turned to see a griever chasing after them. I run towards them and get in front of Teresa and Chuck to protect them from the griever, the other glader's follow and we once again use our weapons to attempt in pushing the griever over the edge of just away from us. Teresa and Chuck continue to sprint ahead and towards the door with the key in hand.

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