Leaving Alone

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Teresa injected Thomas with the blue liquid from the syringe. And just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, Gally did the unimaginable. He ordered the remaining builders to put Thomas and Teresa in the pits. They were hesitant, but ultimately did as their keeper said. I tried to stop them like the other gladers did, however Gally then threatened to throw me into the pit as well. I knew I could not be any help to Thomas nor Teresa if I am stuck in the pit with them. For the rest of the night I sat with Fry, Newt, and Minho at a table in the dinning hall that was half crushed. Chuck sat beside me with his head on my shoulder sleeping. We discussed that we needed to do something and that's when we came up with the ultimate escape plan.

I care about Gally a lot, and if it was a week ago I would not want to do such a plan to him. Now, though? He has changed and not for the better. This Gally is not the Gally I know, not the Gally that I kiss and hug and hold. This is a different Gally. A Gally that was going to throw me in the pit if I did not obey. Well, screw him. I am leaving this hell hole and will avenge the death of each and every glader that has died here in the glade because of the shucking creators from hell, and that includes my own mother.

The next day came around quickly and Newt, Minho, Chuck and I headed over to the pits where Teresa and Thomas were being held. Fry was ordered by Gally to make breakfast for the gladers, so he was unable to come with us to talk to Thomas and Teresa. When we got there Thomas' head laid gently in Teresa's lap as she played with his hair soothingly. I could see Newt's jaw clenching and his body tensing at the sight. We talked to Teresa for a minute before Thomas finally woke up. He told us what he remembered, being here in the glade was just an experiment. That him and Teresa worked for W.C.K.D. And Newt being the great therapist he is told Thomas that the people we were before the maze are not the people we are anymore, or some sappy shit like that. Couldn't remember. If I'm being honest, I zoned out again.

But now, at this exact moment, our plan is being put into motion. Chuck and I stood beside each other from afar. The bags were packed and ready, sitting on the ground beside waiting to be picked up. We watched as two builders dragged an unconscious Thomas to the inner semi-circle that surrounded the maze entrance. They dropped him harshly onto the sanded ground as another glader pulled Teresa along into the semi-circle as well.

"This is such a waste" Gally mutters humourlessly.

The gladers all watch Gally warily with concern and worry.

"Gally?" It's Winston that speaks up first. Gally turns around to look at the boy that spoke, Winston shrunk a little under the intense glare, "it just doesn't feel right, man," he murmured.

"Yeah, what if Thomas is right? Maybe he can lead us home?" Jeff stated his opinions aloud.

"We are home, okay? I don't wanna have to cross anymore names off that wall." He explained, pointing towards the wall of names that had more than majority now crossed out.

"You really think banishing is going to solve anything?" Teresa spoke up.

"No. But this isn't a banishing. It's an offering." Anger bubbles inside of me.

"What the hell does he think he's doing?" I muttered from my spot beside Chuck who shrugged.


The glader holding Teresa moves her over to a wooden pole that is dug into the sandy ground. He grabs her wrist and begins to tie her up to the pole.

"Wait! Gally! What are you doing?!" She shouted.

"You really think I'm going to let Thomas back into the maze after what he's done?!" Gally asked. "Look around you! Look at the glade!" The glader's glanced at the glade that was once considered as their home, but is now a covered in smoke and disaster. Nothing that home should be.

Minho looks over at Newt who nods while Gally continues his rant. Chuck and I take that as our own cue. I pass the bags to Chuck to carry and grabbed my own bags as we slowly moved forward and closer to where the others stood.

"This is the only way! And once the grievers get what they came for, everything goes back to the way it was."

"Are you listening to this?!" Teresa whined, "why are you all just standing there?! He's crazy!"

"Can you SHUT UP?!" Gally shouted, his anger sprouting. Teresa ignored Gally and continued.

"If you stay here the grievers are going to come back! They're gonna keep coming back until you're all dead!"

"SHUT UP!" Gally yelled, "tie him up." He pointed at Thomas and when the builders did not do as he said he lost all of his patience, "YOU HEAR ME?! I SAID TIE HIM UP!!" They hesitantly moved towards Thomas, but ended up doing as their 'leader' said. They started to lift Thomas up, that was until Thomas took his arm away from their grasp and elbowed the boy in his stomach. He grabbed the spear from the kids grasp and knocked the other builder out.

Newt grabbed out his machete and knocked out another glader as Teresa kicked the glader in front of her where the sun don't shine. Gally began to pull out his knife, however was stopped when Minho rested his knife on Gally's shoulder, daring him to continue to move or do anything.

Thomas rose the spear towards Gally while Fry cut the restraints on Teresa before joining the others at the entrance of the maze. Chuck and I jogged over to the others with our bags hung over our shoulders and backs and weapons in our hands. Minho walked slowly around Gally, pointing his machete directly at him. He walked backwards to join us. And once Gally saw me, I could see the betrayal flash through his angered eyes.

"You're full of surprises,aren't you?" Gally moved his attention from me to Thomas.

"You don't have to come with us, but we are leaving. Anyone else who wants to come, now's your last chance!" Thomas spoke, spear still raised towards Gally.

"Don't listen to him. He's just trying to scare you." Gally said, directing his message to the glader's that stood behind him.

"No he's not. We aren't trying to scare you, you're already scared, alright? I'm scared." I spoke truthfully, frustrated by Gally and his damn words. He stares at me shocked and hurt. "I'd rather risk my life out there than spending the rest of it in here." Winston and Jeff shared a look. "We don't belong here, okay? This place... isn't our home."

"We were put here," Thomas continued for me.

"We were trapped here." I added.

"At least out there, we have a choice. We can make it out of here. I know that." Thomas finished.

And at that, Winston steps forward and joins us. I smiled at my best friends as he stood beside me.

"I'm sorry" Jeff murmured as he stepped forward as well.

A couple other glader's walked over, joining us to leave. Gally looked behind at the group of remaining glader's and nodded sadly.

"Gally it's over. Just please come with us." I tried one last time. Who knows, maybe the Gally I know is still in there. His eyes looked deeply into mine and for a second I had hope.

"Good luck against the grievers." The group of glader's leaving nodded and turned around, they began to run down the corridor. But, I couldn't move. I didn't want to.

"Fin?" Winston spoke, taking me out of my frozen daze. I looked back at Gally one more time. I didn't want to leave him. I still cared about him more than anything, but I had to leave. I turned around and ran into the maze with the rest of the group. I didn't look back because if I did I knew I wouldn't be able to go any further.

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