'Pretty flower for a pretty girl'

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After Fry and I talked last night we both decided I should tell Alby in the morning. For the time being we both went back to our hammocks to sleep. I could not shut my eyes though. Hundreds of thousands of thoughts rushed through my mind constantly. 

Is Ben actually my brother? What was the building I was in? Who is Thomas? Why would my mom do that? What in the world is going on? 

Wow, my mind really never stops. 

I tried to close my eyes, laying in my hammock. Unable to fall back to sleep I got up and took another walk through the forest. I know it's not best to go on my own with what happened last week, but I'd rather be alone. I found a stump and sat down. There was two beautiful flowers planted right beside the stump I was sitting on. A rose. It was gorgeous. I carefully picked it from the patch of grass it was sitting on. I twirled it between my fingertips admiring the beauty of such a small object. 

"Hey." a voice came from behind me. Gally

"Hey, what are you doing awake?" I asked him. 

"I could ask you the same thing," he replied with a smile while sitting down beside me. "I woke up and saw you weren't in your hammock, I came to look for you to make sure you were alright." He continued to explain. 

"Oh, yeah I'm fine. Thanks" I smiled at him before looking back at the flower in my hand. 

"Pretty flower for a pretty girl," he said quietly. 

I smiled at his comment as a light rose blush began to spread across my cheeks. 

Smooth, I thought. 

I looked up into his piercing, ocean, blue eyes. He stared right back into mine. He pushed a piece of my hair behind my ear. I couldn't help but look down at his soft lips as he did the same. We both moved slowly as can be towards one another until our lips softly met one another. Our lips moved in sync as his tongue grazed my bottom lip before slipping into my mouth and taking dominance. His hands slid around my waist. My hand was holding onto the back of his neck, using my strength to pull him closer, even though there was no more space to move closer, our bodies were flushed against each other as we kissed. It felt so right. It was a feeling like I had felt before. Butterflies were swarming in my stomach. 

All a moment I'll never forget.

A moment I wish would never end.

I wish I could have sat there on that stump in the forest with Gally for the rest of my life in that moment. Holding each other as the heat from both of our bodies sparked between one another like a small fire. 

I felt safe.

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