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I slowly opened my eyes and immediately closed them again as pain shot across my face from the movement. "Be careful there, greenie. If it hurts, don't do it." A voice stated. A voice who I assume belonged to Jeff. "Had a nasty beating there this morning, been passed out since."

"How long was I out for?" I asked with my eyes still shut.

"It's almost dinner time" Jeff simply stated.

I have been passed out for almost a whole day! I missed work!

I attempted to re-open my eyes, this time much slower and there was not much pain thankfully. I sat up and tried to climb out of the makeshift bed.

"Wow! Wow! Where do you think you are going?!" Jeff asked as he rushed to my side to make sure I don't hurt myself anymore than I already am.

"What does it look like?" I paused for a second, "I'm leaving." I finished as straightforwardly as possible. I began to walk out of the hut.

"I don't think that's a good idea. Clints and mine orders were for you to rest. We got you cleaned and bandaged up but you still gotta rest" Jeff tried to persuade me. I did not budge though I continued on my mission I mentally gave myself. Find Gally. Last I remember before someone turned off the sun was that he was the one who got Billy off of me. He also beat up Billy and then he was sent to the pit. All because of me. If I hadn't punched Billy in the first place Gally would not be in the shit hole they call a pit.

Why not give it a better name than that? Like... the slammer. Dun. Dun. Dun.

Oh- literal chills, literal chills.

"Greenie!" A voice yelled from across the glade. It was Alby.

Oh no.

He quickly sprinted towards me with a limping Newt not far behind. "What are you shucking doing?! You need to rest!" He exclaimed as he was still approaching my half dead looking shucked up body. Well, I assume my body looks like a half dead, shucked up body.

"On a mission" I stated before continuing to walk. A few other gladers joined Alby and Jeff as they tried to bring me back to the med hut. I began to hum while I walked.

On a mission to find Gally. Who's on a mission? Finley's on a mission. Saving the day because that's what she does. She is awesome, better than these ugly shanks. Oh shit, I am using their weird language again. But, that's okay 'cause I'm on a mission. Who's on a mission? Finley's on a mission.

I could be a songwriter or something! Man I'm great.

"Mission?" Minho asked "what mission?"

I stopped walking and looked in all directions of the glade. I was able to see each and every glader, and not one of them was Gally. I knew he was most likely still in the pit. I continued to walk in that direction.

"Greenie! Greenie! Slow down" Fry called me.

"Stop calling me greenie!" I snapped.

"What else are we supposed to call you?" He asked, confused.


I stopped in my tracks immediately. Shocked by what I just said. I had no clue my name came back to me. Or at least what I am guessing is my name since it came so naturally.

"Finley?" Newt asked.

"Yeah." I tried to say confidently to convince myself and I then continued on my mission. No one tried to stop, they just followed.

Promises That Won't Last ☆ Gally - TMRWhere stories live. Discover now