Work Hard

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After a long night of being locked in the pit. Alby walked over and began unlocking the pits. Gally's first, then Billy's and then mine. I stepped out of the pit getting major déjà vu from my first day in the glade. It is now my third day and man has it been hectic. Already been in the pit twice and have been beaten the klunk out of. I think I'm fitting in just right. "You're working with Fry in the kitchen this morning," Alby mentioned before heading off. I looked around to see the beautiful sun rising in the light blue sky. The breeze was cool as it blew against my face. Chills were sent down my spine and goosebumps covered my arms. 

"If you are cold you can have my sweater." Gally offered while beginning to take off his sweater he was currently wearing. 

"Or she could go get a sweater from the extra clothes bin in the homestead like any other glader." Billy stated with venom laced through his words.

Why's he still here?

"I'll be fine. Thanks though." Gally nodded and I headed my way to the kitchen where I found Fry instantly. He ordered me to wash my hands immediately. After I did so I put my hair up and began cutting up some fruit for breakfast. Cooking with Fry was fun. We talked and laughed and listened to music that was played from an old radio that sat in the corner of the kitchen. However, I couldn't picture myself as a cook. I loved working with Fry, but being a cook didn't seem to fit with me too well. Especially after I cut my finger while preparing lunch. It wasn't a terrible cut, it was just a small unnoticeable cut, still it was enough for Fry to send me to get it cleaned and a bandaid from Clint and Jeff. 

"Back again so soon?" Clint chuckled

"You must really love us" Jeff added in between chuckles. 

"Yep! Can't go a day without seeing you two" I replied and laughed along with them. 

"What did you do this time?" Jeff asked becoming serious again. 

"Got a small cut on my finger. It's not much, but Fry insisted on me to get a bandaid. I think he just wanted to get me out of his kitchen" I explained. The two boys laughed as Clint grabbed a bandage and wrapped it around my thumb. 

"There you go. All new. You are good to go back and bother Fry." 

"Thanks guys" I waved them goodbye and headed back to the kitchen. I finished my morning with Fry and we both agreed cooking with each other was fun but unsafe for myself as I almost cut myself again with a much larger knife. In the afternoon, I spent my time with Newt. He taught me how to plant seeds and wrap the vines around their poles and how to pick the fruits and vegetables. It was not a bad job. Definitely a contender. 

At the end of the day I was tired and could go right to sleep, but I knew I needed a shower. This is my third day here and I have yet o be fully cleaned. I feel like an ogre. I asked Alby if there was somewhere I could wash up and maybe get some fresh clothes. Alby asked the nearest glader to help me. That glader was Gally. Of course. Gally helped me find what I needed and sent me on my way to a set of stalls that were near the edge of the forest by the homestead. He offered to stand watch and I gratefully took him on that offer. There are quite a few gladers here that I trust but still some I was uneasy about. For instance, Billy. Ugh

I turned the faucet on and cold water squirted out. I pulled my shirt from over my head and unbuckled my belt and pulled my pants down. I slipped under the cold water that sent shivers across my body. It was an amazing feeling after the long hot day of work in the glade. The water dripped down my face and I could feel the drops seep into the healing cuts, they stingged at first but the pain grew into a blissful feeling. I quickly lathered the shampoo and conditioner through my thick, wavy hair and washed it out. Taking the bar of soap between my hands as the foam and bubbles of it ran across my skin cleansing the dirt from my body. 

I dried off and threw fresh clothes on, ones that didn't have any dirt from sitting in the pit, blood from getting beaten up by Billy, or food from when I attempted to cook this morning. It was a clean grey t-shirt that I tucked into my black cargo pants. I buckled my belt up and tied the laces of my boots. I quickly brushed through my now soaked hair. 

I finally felt clean. 

I stepped out of the stall with my dirty clothes in hand to find Gally still patiently waiting on a nearby stump. "All done?" He asked. I nodded with a smile on my face. He then showed me where to wash and dry my clothes. Gally was going to wait for me to clean my clothes, but I didn't want to take anymore of his time. I told him he could go and do whatever he would normally do and with that he left.  I dipped my clothes in a metal tub with water. Scrubbing the pieces of cloth against one another to get rid of the dirt. The soapy bubbles splashed out of the tub onto the dirt covered ground. Turns out, where ever I go I always leave a miss. 

It was quite peaceful to wash my clothes. The metal tub was in the forest not far from the shower stalls. Huge trees surrounded me. Small flowers would peer through the dirt in the spots where the sun would seep through the leaves and branches during the day time. Currently, the sun is gone and the moon begun to take its place. With the light of the moon shining through the leaves, it made the forest all the more beautiful. 

I hung up my clothes when I was done washing. Just before I could leave; I was broken out of my trance of thoughts when I heard a twig snap from behind me. I quickly spun around to try and see where it came from. I looked along the line of trees ahead of me. My gaze focused on a shadowy figure just ten feet away. The figure began to walk closer in my direction. Taking each step slowly and carefully as if I would get scared and run. The figure finally stepped out from the dark shadows of the trees and I was able to make out the face.

Oh shit. 

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