A Break

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I laid there on the floor, my back against the wall as I cried. Thinking about everything we have lost. Everything I have lost. I looked down at my wrapped up arm and ripped the bandages off. I stared at the stitches- all of them will definitely be leaving scars so I will forever remember how I got them. My fingers traced each scar, one long scar going straight down my arm and a smaller scar on my wrist, the pain inside of me growing as the memories grew more clearer. I shouldn't be thinking about all of the memories that have caused me pain, I should be thinking about the memories that have given me joy and happiness;

It was a hot day in the glade. One of the hottest and because of the weather Alby called off the runners from going out into the maze and told everyone to have a day off. I am glad he did because it feels like I am shucking melting and all I am doing is laying here in the shade. 

"Get your head off of me Min, you're shucking hot." Newt grumbles from where he laid against a tree, Minho's head on his lap. 

"Newt..." Minho whined, "I was comfortable. You're supposed to be my pillow." 

"I'm glad you are comfortable, but I'm not and I won't be your shucking pillow. Find a new one."  

"So rude." He mumbled sitting up and readjusting to a new comfortable position. 

"I wish we could have ice cream or go swimming." I complained, desperate for anything to cool me down. 

"That's a great idea!" Winston sat up straight. "Let's go swimming!" 

"Where? Are we going to make a kiddie pool out of the clothes washing tub?" I asked sarcastically. 

"No! The pond!" 

"The what now?!" I shouted, sitting up straight as well.

"That's a brilliant idea, Winston." Alby agreed. 

"You are telling me there is a pond here and I have never noticed." I spoke confused. 

"Yeah." All the gladers nodded. 

"Well, what are we waiting for! Let's go!" I jumped to my feet. 

"Wait. We all have bathing suits, I don't think they sent one for Fin though." 

"I don't shucking care! I am too hot to give a damn. I will jump in there with my clothes on! I will go naked if I have to!" I started to walk off before I turned back around to face the gladers, "where is this pond exactly?" They all looked at me with nervous, blank looks, blush rising to a few of their cheeks. 

"You are not going naked." Ben deadpanned, standing to his feet and walking over there to me. I chuckled. 

"Fine. I won't" I heard a few gladers let out a breath of relief, mostly just Alby, Fry, Jeff, Newt, Minho, Gally, Zart, Jack, Clint, and Ben. So, my friends. They all went to change and we headed through the forest to the very corner where laid a pond. Surrounded by trees and vines, the water was a  beautiful, bright blue. It was gorgeous. All the gladers ran straight for the pond and dived in, guessing the water was deep enough. I walked to the edge and slipped my boots off and unbuckled me belt. 

"What are you doing?" Gally asked from a couple feet away from me. 

"You seriously think I am going to where these pants into the water? They would drown me once they get wet." I laughed. 

"You said you weren't going to go naked though." Worry taking over him. 

"I'm not." I slid my pants off, leaving me in my panties and tank top. I turned around and jumped in the water. When I came up from the water for a breathe, I looked around to see a lot of the gladers starring at me. "What are you all looking at, perverts?" Their gazes immediately left me and they began to swim and have fun. Suddenly, a huge splash of water came at me from my right. I turned to see who the culprit was, but I saw no one there. That was until a head popped out of the water. A huge grin across his face, I splashed water back at him. 

"Hey!" Gally whined. 

"Payback bitch!" I laughed. While I was laughing, I let my guard down and next I knew I was picked up above Gally's head and was tossed back down into the water. When I broke through the top of the water all the gladers were laughing. 

"Payback bitch!" Gally mocked me. 

"Language, Gally!" Alby shouted from where he was swimming. 

"Yeah, Gal. Watch your language." I smirked and splashed water at him. Unfortunately, when I tried to splash the water it hit Carl, a builder, who was standing beside Gally. He slowly turned around to look at me, madness was obvious his expression and body language. "I'm so sorry, Carl." I apologized, everyone went silent. A small smirk broke onto his tanned face and he splashed me back. We all began splashing each other and had one big water war. 

It was rare when all of the gladers came together to have fun like that. To actually be like the kids we are. Those are the moments I love. Especially since it gave me the chance to make the fun moments I have with my brother and friends. 

And I swear, I will avenge his death. 

If it is the last thing I do. 

I was broken from my thoughts when there was a knock at the door. I whipped my tears away and stood from my seat on the floor, I turned the knob of the door and creaked open the door to see Gally standing on the other side. 

"Hey." He greeted quietly. 


"Can I come in. I would like to talk to you." I nodded and opened the door more so he could walk in. I closed the door after he entered and sat on the edge of my bed, patting the spot beside me to acknowledge to Gally he can sit. 

"So, what did you want to talk about?" I asked. 

"I just- I just want to apologize again for those things I said. I didn't mean them and I don't think those things of you. How I actually think you are is kind, funny, and beautiful." He spoke, his eyes never leaving mine. His hand moved towards mine and gently held it like he was afraid I would take mine away. 

"I know." I whispered. 

"Do you forgive me?" He asked. I didn't say anything for a second while I thought of my answer. 

"Yes." I slowly nodded. His smile instantly grew. "But..." I paused. 

"But what?" His smile fell.

"But... I don't know how to say this... But, I-I need time." I spoke nervously. 

"What do you mean?" 

"I need a break. With every that has happened today, well not just today but since I have been stung, it has been a lot to handle and I just need some time on my own to sort of figure out what I want and what I need. To focus on myself and my health- both mental and physical." I explained. Tears visible in his eyes. "I am sorry, Gal. I really am. I just need a break." 

"Just a break?" I nodded, a few tears fell from his blue eyes as did from my green ones. "How long?" He asked. 

"It could be a couple days or a couple weeks. I don't know right now." My voice became shaky from trying to hold in my tears and sobs that were on the verge of coming. 

"I'm sorry Fin." He said quietly. 

"What for?" 

"Not being enough for you." He looked down to our hands that still held one another's. 

"No... No, Gal. You are enough. If anything, I do not deserve you. You are the kindest and sweetest guy in this world. You are smart and amazing at everything you do. You never fail to make me smile or laugh even when I don't want to. You are enough for me. More than enough. I could not have asked for a better boyfriend. But, like I said, I just need time to myself. That doesn't mean you weren't enough." I moved my hand to the side of his face, brushing a few tears of his away with the pad of my thumb. 

"I love you Finley more than anything in this world. I will be here for you when you're ready. I'll wait." He rested his hand on mine that was still holding his face. He pulled me into a hug and I laid my head in the crook of his neck as we both cried. "I'm sorry about your brother." He muttered into my hair. I let out another sob and he held me tighter, closer to the warmth and comfort of his familiar body. 

"Thank-you, Gally... For everything." 

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