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My eyes shot open. I was still sitting in the crack between the two walls. I was covered in sweat and blood. I slowly stood as pain spreaded through my side and in my arm. I slipped out of the crack to see the sun out. I slowly limped down the corridors of the maze. My left arm was covered fully in dried blood from the griever grabbing me and pulling me around like some type of dog and it's chew toy. It will definitely need stitches and will most likely leave a huge scar so I can forever remember this horrible night. I continued to slowly jog my way to the doors as the pain continued to increase. 

"No go back. Take a left not a right." The voice came back. I stopped in my tracks and backed up. "Yes, go left here." I did as the voice said and turned left instead. The voice continued to direct me through the maze and before I knew it, I could hear the sounds of the doors opening. 

I actually survived a night!

My speed picked up as did the pain. I turned the corner to see the doors were wide open. Gladers surrounding it, all who looked disappointed. That is until they saw my figure. 

"Finley!!!" One of the glader yelled. The rest of them joined in the excitement of cheering my name. I was so glad to be back. I could not believe it. How did I survive? No one has survived a full night in the maze. Unfortunately, my happiness to see these shanks was cut short as my head became dizzy once again and I collapsed to the ground. 

"No Finley! Stay awake! You were so close, Fin!" The voice in my head cried. "You have to make it. You have to be immune." I heard footsteps running towards me.

"Finley?" a voice said above as they crouched down. It was Ben. It was so good to hear his voice. Especially after those memories. "What's wrong?" he asked, concerned. 

"I'm sorry" was all I said as a big wave of pain rippled through my side making me scream in pain that echoed through the corridor. I grasp my one side holding it tightly. Ben noticed and removed my hand and lifted my shirt to see the sting mark of a griever. 

"No. No. No. No!" Ben repeated his words in panic. "It's okay. You will be okay. Medjacks!" he yelled for help as he picked me up and carried me out of the maze entrance to the rest of the crowd of gladers. 

"What's wrong with her?" Jeff asked when we arrived in the crowd. Before Ben could answer, I let out another searing scream as I once again grabbed my side. The gladers looked confused. It hit Alby when he realized I was clutching on my side and he saw a small black vein on the side of my neck.

"Put her on the table in the medjack hut, Ben, and put the restraints on. She might be immune. Jeff and Clint clean up that wound on her arm." He ordered. Ben followed his orders and began walking away. The sudden realization hit everyone that I had been stung and they began to follow Alby's orders as well.

I was laid down on the table in the med jacks by Ben. They tied restraints around my arms and legs to hold me down just in case I was to lose it like the majority do when they get stung. 

"Okay Finley, we are going to just clean up the gash on your arm and stitch it up. Then we're gonna take a look at your sting mark, alright?." Clint explained and I nodded. 

After they were done, they agreed I would be going through the changing and won't be too harmful like some of the others when they had been stung. 

Great. Going through the changing. No clue what it is. Yet, I know it does not sound like a fun amusement park ride that you would want to go to. 

"What's the changing?" I asked in a low whisper that was barely heard. 

"When someone is stung by a griever, they either go mad and lose their mind as you've heard, or they are immune and go through the changing. Only two people have actually gone through the changing. From those two people, we can tell it can be painful. But, don't worry we are here to help and be there for you," Clint explained. I nodded again to show I understood. 

More pain than I already feel? This is all just peachy. 

They left to give the news to Alby that I should be fine and I laid there staring at the ceiling of the wooden shack I was in. I couldn't stop thinking about the memories that flooded through my mind when I was passed out in the maze last night. 

I laid there thinking about my mom. About Theo and Ben. 

What was Dr. Paige talking about saving the world? Saving the human race? What was wrong with the human race? Where is my other brother Theo, that I supposedly had? Those people, my mom were they the ones that sent us up here? Were they the creators? Why did they put me in that tank of water? What was the point of that? Who is Teresa and Thomas? And what was that voice in my head that knew their way around the maze? How were they talking to me? And why?! Why did Gally look so mad at me when Ben and I sat at their table in that memory? Did he hate me before the maze?

Wait... Gally. Where is he? I had not seen him at the doors nor while walking to the medjack shack. 

Is he alright?

Don't tell me he did something stupid. Oh, that shuck face. 

My thoughts of the memories had gone and my mind was mainly focused on Gally now. Another pain shot through me. I screamed once again on the top of my lungs as the pain stretched through every inch of my body. I grunted in pain then I let out another scream once again- louder this time- before I blacked out and more new memories began to take form in my head.  

How long do I have to do this changing thing? Is it voluntary only? If so, I would love to drop out right now. 

Jeez, this hurts. 

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