'Nothing Happened!'

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The sun woke me up the next day. Shining through the window of my bedroom. It blinded my eyes at first, as it scorched my sight. When my eyes were able to focus, a painful sensation rippled through my head. I slowly got out of my bed. I was still in yesterday's clothes, but what happened yesterday? I had no recollection of last night. I walked over to my set of drawers to grab a fresh shirt, every step I took the pounding in my head got worse. Seriously, what happened last night? Last I remember was talking to Newt and he told me he is... Oh shit! Newt is gay! Go Newt! I almost forgot him telling me that. 

I slowly walked out of my room and down to the kitchen where I found Fry. He was cooking... sandwiches? Is it lunch? 

Good, I'm starving! 

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Good afternoon sleepy head. It's half an hour till lunch. Let me guess you got a horrible headache?" Fry replied. 

"Yeah, what happened last night?" 

"Nothing much. You and Newt were drunk. Danced around the bonfire with Clint after teaching him how to do the waltz and then you fell off a log before tossed over Gally's shoulder and he brought you to your room." Fry said, trying to describe the events of last night, Gally brought me to my bed- of all people. Fry handed me a glass of water as I sat down at the table. 

"That's not that bad."

"Gally, never came back after dropping you off in your room. The greenie said he saw Gally coming out of your room early this morning." I spit out the water from my mouth. 

"Oh god! No!" I paused, shocked by this information. "I did not do anything with Gally!"

"If you say so" Fry simply stated "It won't be long until the greenie's words gets around the glade though." 

For the next half an hour I sat at the table watching Fry cook as I tried to get any memory of last night. Pieces of last night began to come back. I remember talking about biscuits, dancing with Clint, talking to Alby, being carried away to my room. I remember laying my head on Gally's chest, but nothing happened between us that I can recall. I was then forced out of my thoughts when yelling came from outside. Fry and I looked at one another before sprinting out to the field of the glade to see what all the commotion was. Each step I took while running my headed pounded louder. 

Oh! Ah! Ouch! Who is banging my head with a hammer?!  Seriously! Stop that! Ouch!

"She was drunk! You are a shucking idiot!" a voice boomed across the field. A crowd came into sight and in the middle was Ben yelling at Gally. 

Oh no. Greenie's words got around faster than I thought

"I thought you were one of the people I could trust with my sister in this shucking place!" Ben then shoved Gally to the ground. 

Great, Gally is going to get his ass beaten because of me. 

"We didn't do anything!" Gally yelled back, regaining his balance. Fry and I finally arrived at the crowd. Trying to push my way through the gladers that were surrounding my brother and Gally. 

"Don't lie to me! Why else would you be walking out of her room so early in the morning?!" Ben yelled as he raised his fist about to throw a punch. Luckily, Alby caught Ben's fist before anything happened that we all would regret. 

"What in the world is going on here!" Alby hollered, silencing everyone that surrounded and watched this whole thing. 

"Gally shucked Finley!" Ben yelled. Gasps erupted in the crowd. Numerous eyes moved their gaze onto me. 

"Knock it off Ben!" I shouted, grabbing his wrist and pulling him away from Gally. 

"Finley! Is it true?" Alby asked, his eyebrows raised. 

"No." I stated firmly. Before any more questions could have been asked I turned to Ben. "What the hell was that?!" I shouted while pointing at Ben. 

"I promised you that I would protect you against these shanks, and I am keeping that promise" Ben explained. 

"Why would I need help? Nothing happened!" I stated firmly. 

"I didn't know that. I just heard from the greenie that..." he began before I cut him off. 

"Yeah, you heard it from a greenie! You should have come to me first, I would have told you!" 

"So, nothing at all happened?" he asked. "You guys didn't even kiss?" 

"No!" At least not last night. 

"Oh..." He paused. "That's disappointing."

"What... You're telling me you were going to beat the klunk out of Gally cause you thought he and I did something, but now you know we didn't do anything and you're disappointed?" I asked, genuinely confused by Ben's bipolar emotions. 

"Well, I was mad at the fact since you were drunk. I thought he may have taken advantage of you. However, that does not mean I don't ship you guys." he clarified, using my own terminology I introduced him to. 

"Oh my god." I shook my head in disbelief and rolled my eyes in frustration "You are a shank." I began to walk away to my room, but paused by Ben's next words.

"What? Newt, Fry, Alby, Minho, Winston, Clint, Jeff, and so many other gladers and I agree that you guys would be amazing together." he paused "so does Gally,"

"What?" I turned around, baffled by Ben's words. 

What does he mean, 'so does Gally?'

"Gally thinks you guys would be a good couple as well. Even said he likes y..."

"Ben!" Gally yelled while blush was painted on his cheeks. 

"Finish. That. Sentence." I demanded Ben. 

"No, I promised... "

"Say it!" I cut him off, nagging for an answer. 

"Okay... He sort of likes you" Ben whispered hoping I wouldn't hear. 

But I did. 

I heard every word. 

Gally actually likes me? Gally actually likes me. Gally actually likes me! He likes me! Thank the lord! I thought he was just using me or trying something when we first kissed four months ago in that one night. I suppose not. I guess he actually wanted to kiss me. Maybe I am not a bad kisser at all like I previously had thought. Wait... he likes me. What does this mean? What will happen now? They should really have a guide book for this sorts of stuff. Definitely should ask to creators to send one up.  

He likes me. 

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