Trapped and Chased

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It was the next morning. I barely slept at all after talking to Gally. I just cried. 

I didn't let the low amount of sleep I had stop me from waking up early and going running with Minho. Now with Ben gone it is just Minho and I as runners, of course there are the back-up runners who fill in for us if we are sick or hurt or just need a day off, but I needed an excuse to go back running. I needed some sort of distraction to get my mind off everything. I got dressed- in a long sleeved shirt, not wanting to show my fresh scars- and left the homestead and headed to the kitchen where I found Fry cooking crazily for the morning rush to come. 

"Morning Fry." I spoke which startled him. 

"Jeez! Fin! You scared the klunk out of me!" 

"Sorry." I chuckled. 

"What are you doing up so early?" 

"Here for breakfast before going running."

"Running? Did Alby give the 'okay' to go?" I shook my head. "Then why you going running?" 

"Because I need a distraction and sitting here in the glade all day isn't one." He nodded sympathetically. He handed me some breakfast and my lunch in a small bag to-go. I then headed out of the kitchen and walked off to runner's hut, I grabbed my gear and ran towards the maze doors that were to open any minute. Minho and Alby was already there ready to run in and Newt was saying goodbye. 

"Fin? What are you doing here? In your running gear?" Newt asked. 

"Here to run, duh." 

"You're not going running." Alby said seriously. 

"Yes I am and there is nothing you can say or do to stop me." The three of them gave me a wary look.  "I rather not be left here alone with my thoughts. And, like I told Fry I need a distraction to get my mind off of everything that happened yesterday with Ben. Being stuck here and doing nothing will not help me at all. Running has always helped me... Please." I begged. Alby sighed. 

"Fine, but today we're all sticking together since..." He paused, trying to find the right words. 

"Okay, well let's go then." I tried to change the topic since I knew what he was referring to. 

"Good luck out there, be careful." Newt said, looking between all three of us and then turned to focus on me. "Take care of these shanks for me." He chuckled.

"Of course," I laughed. 

"Take good care of the glade, Newt." Alby said getting ready to run into the maze as the doors just began to open. 

"Will do." 

"Later Newtie." I grinned at the blonde boy, I took a step closer to whisper in his ear, "Greenie is pretty cute, eh?" I took a step back and saw a blush rise to his cheeks. I turned around and ran through the maze doors, not giving Newt a second to reply or defend himself.  The two other boys ran in behind me and we began our day of running. 

Taking turns left and right and running down the long corridors of the maze. The ivy vines hung low, attaching themselves to the concrete walls. The wind blew against my face and through my hair. All my worries and fears of everything that has been happening recently had faded away. I was in my safe haven. I was free from this all too real of a reality. Alby and Minho were not too far behind me as I led our way to section 7. It lightly rained on us for about a half an hour and it made this run all the better. It was a great way to help cool us down while running. Once the rain stopped, the sun came back out and dried us off quickly. 

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