Shattered Promises

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The sun shines in through the window of Finley's bedroom in the homestead. Finley loved how the sun hits the glade, never stops talking about the beauty and potential this place has. It's torturous rather than beautiful, but it is my home. I built 97% of this place- the huts, shacks, tables, bed, and anything you could imagine necessary for a big group of teens to survive here.

I slowly got up from the bed, Finley had already left to go for her run. I went to my room and grabbed some clothes and got dressed. I headed down to the dining hall for breakfast. The room was filling in as tired and hungry teens piled in to get breakfast before their day of hard work would begin. 

I sat with the builders like usual. Breakfast and lunch I usually sit with them, however at dinner I sit with Finley. And she always would sit with Winston, Frypan, Newt, Minho, Jack, Ben, Alby, Clint, Zart, and Jeff. Not bad people, I don't mind them. More of tolerating them. Anything to spend as much time with Finley though.

I headed to work and fixed the roof of the runners shack and the door on the shower stalls. The builders and I did a few other odd jobs throughout the day. Overall, it was boring and I was looking forward to being able to see Finley. She was the thing that kept me working through the day. Crazy to think, but I love this girl more than anything in this messed up world of being stuck in a maze. 

It was coming around to the time when Finley would be coming back to the glade. I glanced over to see Minho exiting. Usually it is Minho or Ben that comes first, so it was no surprise. Ten or so minutes pass by and Ben comes back. Finley still has another half an hour and she loves running in the maze, always uses every last drop of time she can have. 

"Hey Minho, Hey Ben. Finley back?" I asked since it was getting later and she would normally be back. Like mentioned, she uses every drop of time to keep running, but there is usually a limit where she is back at least ten minutes before doors close. She made that rule for herself.

"No. She should be back soon though" Minho replied, jogging towards the maze doors. Ben and I joined him. We stood there waiting. 

She is fine. Probably saw something. 

The minutes were counting down and a few other gladers joined. Each second that went by another glader joined by our side at the entrance to the maze.

"Where is she?" asked Winston. 

"Don't know, mate" Newt stated honestly. 

The doors began to close and that was when the panic and fear hit me like a truck. I decided I was gonna go in and look for her and if I don't make out that's fine because I couldn't bare living with myself knowing I could have tried. I took a step about to enter before being pulled back. 

"No Gally, she will make it" Fry said from behind me as he had a tight grasp on my arms. Just then Minho yelled her name as he pointed out to a small figure coming around the corner. The doors began to close faster. Other gladers joined in on yelling and shouting. I tried to wiggle my way out of Fry's grasp, but was unable since other gladers had to join in on holding me back from going into the maze. 

"FINLEY!" I shouted on the top of my lungs as tears began to form in my eyes. As the doors continued to close it only felt like she was getting further and further away. The tears began to fall. I could see the tears falling down her own reddened cheeks as well. 

This couldn't be the end.

But it was. The doors shut, she was only a foot away from sliding through. I fell to my knees. We only dated for a little more than two month, only known her for six months, but it felt like I have known her for years. It felt like she was my world, my reason to wake up in the morning and live. 

She made me a promise not to leave me, she broke it. 

I love her. I love her! I love her! No! She can't be gone! I love her! 

The crowd around the doors slowly disappeared, each glader that left had tear filled eyes and damp cheeks and sore throats from yelling. Soon it was only Ben and I left at the now shut concrete walls. Ben stood there before putting his hand on my shoulder and bending down. 

"She's strong. She'll find a way to survive." Ben said, trying to convince me, but more of himself. 

"Are you a shucking idiot!" I exclaimed "No one has ever survived a night in the maze! She is going to die! You can convince yourself all you want with wrongful hope, but I am going to stick to reality! She was dead the second she turned around that corner running to try and make it in time! So shuck off!" I shouted, catching the others' attention. I stormed off to the homestead. I ran to Finley's room and slammed the door. I clenched my fist together and slammed it against the wall leaving a crack in the wooden plank. I threw another punch and another and another until my hands were covered in blood and throbbed in pain. I flopped on her bed grabbing her pillow and crying my heart out. I haven't cried since that night when I left Finley in the forest with Billy, that thought brought more tears because with that memory came us comforting one another. However, here I am.


Dinner time came around and I decided to do what we all do whenever a glader dies, move on. It would be best and easiest to try and forget no matter how impossible it was to live without her. I walked in and the room went silent, all eyes on me. I probably looked like a mess from crying and the blood that is now dried onto my hands. I grabbed a tray of food and sat down. I ate in silence. All the gladers did. Not a smile, not a laugh, not a conversion was heard. A small fire was lit like usual, but no one had fun. They sat and watched the flames flicker. Finley would find it beautiful how the moon's lights and fires flames danced together in the darkness. Suddenly, a grievers screech was heard, penetrating the already gloomy atmosphere. Not even a second after, a girl's yell was heard. Then another griever was sounded before another girl's yell. But, the second yell of Finley was abruptly cut off. 

Like I said, she won't survive. No one does. 

The yells and screeches of Finley and the griever sent chills down everyone's spines. Tears glistened in everyone's eyes and we all agreed to go to bed. A friend, a sister, a girlfriend. She was a part of this glade. Now, it doesn't matter if we make it out or not. I don't want to, not without her. 

I didn't sleep at all. The screeches of the grievers kept me up all night. I just laid with my eyes pried open staring at the ceiling on her bed, the bed we had been sharing for the two or so months of us dating. Her scent was all over the room. Memories of her laughs and smiles playing back in my head. All the late nights we spent in this room, in this bed, in each other's arms. 

Now, I will never see her again. 

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