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After I fully realized Ben's word... Gally likes me, I was speechless. I didn't know what to say. I liked Gally- a lot, in fact. I would always get butterflies when around him. But, we haven't talked in the last four months and now he wants to talk to me! Now he supposedly likes me! This is mad! 

"Finley..." Gally began "I- can we talk somewhere private, maybe?"

I looked between Gally and Ben. Gally had pleading eyes, as Ben had a huge smug smirk. What a Shank, I thought in my head. All the other gladers had shocked and knowing expressions.

"Um... sure" I agreed to hear him out. He led me into the edge of the forest. We kept walking in an awkward silence that lingered in the air. Could this be any more awkward?  We finally stopped walking and I noticed a stump and a red rose that was planted by its side. This was the spot where Gally and I kissed four months ago. 

"So, you finally want to talk to me now after four months?" I asked. Today I felt extra bold. I'd never think of saying these sorts of words to someone's face. The gladers always made fun of the fact that I'm too nice sometimes, and I agree with them, however this was unlike me. 

"What?" Was all Gally said. 

"You heard me, you kissed me and then after four months of completely ignoring my existence, well beside the polite little smiles while pacing by, you have finally decided to talk to me! Wow, someone must have his big boy pants on today. Congratulations. God, the male species is so confusing. I can't stand it!" I shouted. 

"Me ignoring you?! I have tried to talk to you!" He shouted back. 

"Oh yeah! Name a time." 

"Yesterday, at the washing tub! All you did was get mad and yell at me like you are doing right now!"

"That's a horrible example! If I wasn't there you wouldn't have talked to me. And besides yesterday you just practically stood there. Besides then, there was actually not one other time you tried to talk to me!" 

"Yeah, there was!" He defended himself. 

"When!?" I asked already knowing his answer. 

"That!... uh- that one time... I-" he stuttered his words while trying to think. 


"Maybe you should have come and tried talking to me. Okay! You know how nerve racking it is to be around and talk to you!"

"Oh yeah?! And yelling at me is so much easier?" 

"Oh my god!" He yelled exasperatedly, obviously giving up. 

"I wish I could have talked to you and tell you how much of a shank you are, but I couldn't!" 

"Why couldn't you talk to me? Huh!" He questioned. 

"Because I was scared to!" 

"Scared?" His voice lowered to a non-yelling tone, his softened. 

"Yeah. I was scared because I..." I couldn't find the words to explain to Gally why I was truely scared to talk to him. I mean yeah I have tried to go talk to him, but every time he walked away ignoring me made my confidence go down and made it a lot harder for me to have the courage I needed to talk to him. 

"You, what?!" He shouted again, growing impatient by the second. It was hard for me to explain my feelings in word form. So, I did the only other way I could think of to tell Gally that I liked him. I took the collar of his shirt and pulled it down so Gally would be my level. I brought his face to mine. Our lips immediately touched and moved in sync. He didn't pull away. His arms rested around my lower back. As my own hand was on the back of his neck and the other on the side of his cheek. Our tongues began to fight for dominance. Talk about déjà vu. His hands moved to my waist with a firm grasp bringing my body closer to his. Continuing to fight for power, Gally moved his hands to the back of my upper thighs and lifted me so my legs would wrap around his waist. He lightly pushed us up against the tree which caused certain memories of the night at the washing tub with Billy to come back. I pulled away for a gasp of air and to regain my thoughts that did not involve Billy. "Sorry... I-" I stuttered. 

"What's wrong?" he asked. His eyes softened in worry and concern that he did something wrong or incorrectly. 

"I- the tree... reminded me of..." struggling to form the proper sentence, but Gally got the point.

"I'm so sorry, Finley. I forgot," Gally said as he let go of his grasp on my thighs and gently set me down to where I could stand on my own. 

"It's okay, um- I guess the main point of all that is that... I like you" I stated, nervously. A smile began to take form on Gally's face which immediately made my worries go to ease and a smile to tug on my own face. 

"You do?" he asked for reassurance. 

"Yeah, I do. I have for a very long time. I just thought that you didn't like me that way since you always ignored me." I explained. 

"I'm sorry, Finley. I only ignored you because I was scared I would say or do the wrong thing to mess it all up" 

"So, what Ben said... is it true? Do you like me as well?" I asked hoping it was true. 

"Yeah," he replied "do you maybe- uh, want to be my girlfriend?" he asked while rubbing the back of his neck anxiously. 

"Sure, I'd love to be your girlfriend" A huge grin settled on both of our faces as I climbed to my tippy toes to kiss Gally, my boyfriend. 

"Promise to never leave?" he asked, worries still flashing in his ocean, blue eyes.

"Promise"  I replied. I was planning on keeping this promise no matter what and for some odd reason, it felt like I made this promise before. It felt like I had heard these exact words some other time.   

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