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I sat there on a bunk bed in a room full of similar bunk beds. It was dark and the sounds of light snores could be heard from sleeping kids. I sat there as tears rolled down my face from my eyes, I quietly sniffled before shuffling over to a door. Resting my hand on the knob, I turned it and opened the once closed door. Entering the room, I re-closed the door and turned on the lights. It was a bathroom. I shuffled over to the sink and looked in my reflection. I looked young, ten or eleven maybe twelve- not any older. My eyes were red and dark, purple bags hung under them as tears fell down my face like a stream. I took a tissue and blew my nose. I sighed. 

"Why?" I mumbled to myself. Whatever I was thinking about caused more tears to fall down like a flood. Sobs broke the silence of the cold bathroom as I coughed trying to catch my breath again. The sobs continued as I had more troubles breathing. I couldn't breathe at all. It was like I was drowning, I thought. The door to the bathroom opened up and I saw Gally standing behind me through the mirror. He closed the door quietly and walked over. He looked down at me since he stood taller by a couple of inches. 

"Finley?" He spoke quietly. 

"What? What do you want? Here to tell me how I am a monster again?! Huh!" I spoke angrily as tears continued to flow down my soaked face. 

"No. No, I'm sorry, Finley. I should have never said any of those things. I was just scared. I didn't know what to do." His voice became shaky. "I didn't mean a single word I said." 

"Then why did you say it? Why were you scared?" I asked. 

"Because I didn't like how you made me feel- no I do like how you make me feel which made me not like it which made me mad at you and that's why I was scared and why I said those things. 'Cause I thought you would then be mad at me and not want to be friends anymore. I didn't mean to make you cry." 

"What do you mean 'how I make you feel'?" 

"Uh- I-I... Ever since you first sat down at our table in the cafeteria I thought you were really pretty. I like you and I'm sorry that I acted like I have I hate you." He said in an almost whisper voice. He turned around and picked up the tissue box and passed it towards me. I took a few tissues and blew my nose and whipped the tears off from my face. He then reached inside of his pocket. "I went to the green room today, and I saw this flower and it made me think of you." It was a Rose, he pushed a piece of my hair behind my ear and tucked the flower in my hair. "A pretty flower for a pretty girl." He said with a smile.

"Thank-you, Gally." I smiled back.

"Do you wanna- be... be my girlfriend. Alby and Minho said we're to young to date, but I think their just jealous." He stuttered. "But- but, if you don't wanna be my girlfriend that's-that's okay too." 

"I would love to be your girlfriend, Gally." I stood on my tippy toes and placed a soft kiss on his cheek which brought a rose blush to his face. "Promise to never leave me. That we will stick together no matter what W.C.K.D does? Friends forever? 

"I promise. Friends forever, together no matter what." Gally reassured me. "Do you promise?" 

"I promise. Friends forever, together no matter what." I nodded. 

"Finley. Subject A0. Please step forward." A man shouted over a group of kids. I didn't budge though. I didn't wanna leave. "Subject A0" the man repeated. Guards stomped over and grabbed me by the arms and dragged me out of the room. I screamed and hollered, not wanting to leave. They tossed me in a room before saying that I would be going to the maze tomorrow. 

"No... I can't go" I muttered to myself once I was alone in the room. "All my friends are gone. Alby, Newt, Minho, Winston, Gally, Siggy, Clint, Zart, and Jeff. I don't wanna forget. I can't do this anymore."  I started to move frantically around the room, grasping my hair in between my fingers. Next I knew I was climbing through vents and made it outside of the building. 

I ran down dark streets and alley ways and out of the city. I ran and I ran. Soon, the lights of the city were gone and all I saw was sand. Loads of sand and dirt that blew with the cold wind of the night. Faint sounds of sirens were heard off in the distance. I just escaped! I hid in an old building near by and I hid there for the night. When I woke up, I began to trench through the deep sand as the sun scorched my bare skin. I showed up in an old-run down town and a van pulled over beside me. Immediately fear took course on myself. 

"Hey sweetheart! What in the world are you doing out here in the scorch all by yourself?" She asked while getting out of the van and walking towards me. 

"Who are you?" I asked, taking out a knife from my pocket and pointing it at her. "Do you work for W.C.K.D?!" 

"Oh god no, not anymore. My name is Mary," she introduced herself. "I'm with the right arm, they are a resistance against W.C.K.D. Do you wanna come back to camp with me. Get washed up and some fresh clothes. I make a pretty mean stew that will warm you right up." She offered and I nodded eagerly at her when she mentioned food. 

"Mary!!" I shouted while running across a camp with mountains surrounding. "Vince finally let me practice using a real gun!"

"Good for you hun! I'm so proud!" she said as she gave me a big hug and a kiss on my forehead. "Go get to bed now, it's late. You have a big day tomorrow. Heading out for supplies with Vince and I for the first time." I smiled hugely before running off towards a tent, saying goodnight to different people that I passed on my way. When I got into the tent, I changed my clothes and slipped into a sleeping bag. My eyes began to flutter close before opening wide at the sound of an explosion. And then another and another. 

I jumped from my sleeping bag and ran out. Helicopters flew in the air surrounding the camp as they shot at us and dropped bombs. 

They were here. 

W.C.K.D was here. 

They were gonna take me back. I could not go back. 

Next I knew, I was 'face-to-face' with Dr. Paige. 

"Thought you could run did you? You were always good at hide'n'seek. But, I always managed to find you in the end. This time it only took me a little longer than I would have liked. Two months! Two months, Finley! That put us off schedule! You bet your sorry little ass that you are going straight to the maze! Two weeks and I'm sending you there!" She shouted as guards took me by my arms and shoved me onto a berg. They started the engine and flew off. I was the only person they took? They only wanted me? I looked out the window and saw flames across the camp and some bodies laying on the ground. 

Once again, W.C.K.D took something I love away from me. My home- Mary and Vince and the right arm. 

"Finley... it was very wrong of you to leave like that!"  An angry man yelled. I was tied to a chair in a dark room. "You know what happens when you do something bad?" He came close and whispered in my ear. 

"Please Janson, Don't! I'm sorry!" I cried out in muffled sobs as a gag was in my mouth. The rope burned against my flesh as I tried to get out of the tight knots. 

"I don't want to hear your stupid apologies." He paused as an evil grin plastered itself across his rat-looking face. "Now it's time for your punishment," with that he raised his fist high in the air and slammed it down against my jaw knocking black dots into my vision before everything came into a blur. 

When I woke up from who knows how long later, the man was gone. Blood splattered on the ground around me- most likely a lot of it was mine. Blood dripped from my face. I could see my reflection in a one-way mirror. I looked awful almost unrecognizable, this whole situation was awful. If I hadn't ran away I wouldn't be sitting here tied up. I could have not been any older than 14 or 15 in this reflection. Tears began to form in my bloodshot, red eyes as my body ached. The salt of my tears stung the open cuts on my bloodied face. 

Promises That Won't Last ☆ Gally - TMRWhere stories live. Discover now