New Greenie

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I was sitting on a wooden bench talking to Ben, Minho, and Alby about my drawing of a griever, when the all too familiar sound of the greenie alarm sounded through the air. Even though I dreaded this day, I loved to go take a peek to see the new greenie with hope it may be finally a girl. However, it never is. Always a boy. 


What a disappointment. 

I jumped up from my seating position and began sprinting over to the box as others followed pursuit. I arrived first with Gally right behind me. We shared quick smiles before opening the cage doors that lead to a dark cage full with wooden containers and a small boy in the corner. His eyes sparkled with fear as he peered up to see the group that was now surrounding him, tears pouring down the side of his face. A stench rose to our noses, 

What in the world is that smell?

Smells like shit.  

"Hey Fry, better double up the recipe! Looks like if we want to eat with this greenie we will need extras!" a glader shouted through the silence. 

"Shut up! Nobody wants to hear your damn opinions Leo!" I hollered back to the glader. 

"Just stating the facts, Finley!" he argued 

"If we need more food, we can feed you to the grievers. Boom, got an extra plate right there!" I stated. 

"Will both of you shut the shuck up and tell me what that smell is." Alby said as he reached the front of the group. I looked down at the box, my eyes meeting with the boy. An ashamed expression crossed over his face. Then it hit me. I felt pity for the young kid, he didn't even look more than twelve years old. 

"Doesn't matter. Everyone get back to work. I will give the greenie a hand out and give him the tour, Alby." I stated. 

"Okay, you heard what she said, back to work." Alby hollered to the crowd of gladers who were holding their noses. The crowd ceased as I turned back to the kid. I gently lowered myself into the box with ease to not frighten the kid and not to break my stitches. I slowly walked over to him and crouched a few steps in front of him. The smell got worse each step I took. 

"Hi... my name is Finley. You can call me Fin though," I said with a soft smile. "I know you probably are scared and don't remember anything, but that is normal, okay? It happened to all of us, even me. Your name will come to you soon, okay?" I explained.

"Where am I?" he asked with a shaky voice.

"We call this the glade, it's our home... for now at least," I simply stated. "Now, how about we get you out of here and get you freshened up?" I pushed my hand towards the kid to help him up.

"Okay" he said, hesitantly grabbing my hand. We stood up and climbed out of the box. We quickly walked over to the showers trying to avoid people. Once we arrived I let him get in and start washing up as I headed back to grab fresh clothes and discard the old ones that were full of klunk. I was about to head back to deliver the new set of clothes to the greenie when a pair of hands grasped my waist and pulled me behind a wall. I was pushed up against the wall so my stomach was pressed against it. My breath hitched with worry until I heard the voice of the culprit. 

"Hey Babe," he spoke quietly as his lips brushed the bottom of my earlobe. 

"Gally... shouldn't you be building something?" I asked with a smirk as his hands slowly slipped under my tank top. 

"It's my break," he replied. He began leaving a trail of kisses down my neck leaving more hickeys beside the ripe ones from the previous night. His cold, rough hands continued to move up and down my torso. A small moan escaped my mouth when he sucked on a sensitive spot in the nook of my neck. 

"Gally..." I began before getting interrupted by Gally turning me around so I was facing him and my back was now pressed against the wall. His lips immediately attached to mine, moving against one another. The kiss began to be more passionate until I pulled away. Gally looked at me, confusion washing over his face. 

"What? Did I do something wrong?" He asked, nervously. I shook my head quickly not wanting him to feel bad. 

"No, It's just that I need to get back to the greenie," I explained. He let out a sad sigh before letting go. The warmth of his body was taken away as he took a step back. 

"Sorry, Finley"

"Nothing to be sorry about," I began with a kind smile. "We can finish this later." A smirk spread across his freckled face, I kissed his cheek and left to go back and find the greenie. I headed back into the dim forest on my way to the shower stalls. When I arrived I heard quite sobs and sniffles, assuming it was the greenie. Poor kid.

"Hey Kiddo, is everything alright in there?" I asked, "I have fresh clothes." The sobs went to ease and I waited for any form of a response. Silence blew through the cool air of the forest. Then a creaking sound of the stalls door opening was heard. A small round face popped out. Wet brown curls draped across the kid's face. His face was soaked in tears and he had red, puffy eyes.

"You came back?" he said, but it sounded more like a question. 

"Yeah of course," I replied, unsure of what he was getting at. 

"I thought you weren't going to come back... That you left me." he explained between sobs. My heart ached for the poor boy.

"No I would not leave you greenie. I will never leave you, okay? I know this place may seem scary and there are some mean guys here. But, I can promise that I am not mean and that I just want to help you. I promise I will not leave you ever, alright?" I explained to the young greenie. A small smile began to form on his tear-covered face. 

"Promise, Fin?" he asked, holding out his pinky finger. I chuckled lightly before sticking out my pinky finger to latch onto his. 

"Promise." I said as we both smiled at one another. "Now, here are some fresh clothes, I wasn't sure what size you would be so I just guessed. How about you go back to the stall and get dressed and then I can give you that tour" I offered, handing the clothes into his small hands, he took them and slid back behind the door. Not even minutes later he walked back out, eyes still puffy, but his face was not as red. We walked around the glade as I gave the kid the tour of his new home.

 After the tour, the greenie and I just hung out with Minho and Ben and any other glader that was on their break that stopped by. We talked a bit, but soon the sun began to fall down and the doors began to close and the questions of 'what is on the other side of the doors' and so on were asked by the kid. Minho gratefully answered all the boy's curious questions. 

You know Minho loves to talk. 

This kid continued to follow me around like a lost puppy. It was absolutely adorable, he even looked up to Gally. Surprisingly, Gally was sort of nice to him too. We eventually learned his name, Chuck. Since I still was not allowed to go back into the maze to run yet because 'I need to fully recover and some rest will do me good' (in Clint's voice) I have decided to full take Chuck under my wing and assist him into finding the ways around the glade. I even helped him find a job, he's a slopper. Not one of the best jobs, but the kid seems to not mind it at all.  

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