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"And that's the glade she-bean. You may now speak or ask questions you may have." Gally finished when we finally completed the tour. It was a beautiful place. Trees, flowers, and ivy surrounding the long green grass. There were 40 teen boys. All of them are working hard. Building, gardening, cooking, and even cutting up dinner. Gally explained that I would have to choose a job and I instantly knew I did not want to be a slicer. Winston, the leader of the slicers or as they call it, the keeper, was very nice and kind. He was one of the very few people who did not stare at me like all of the other idiots here. So far, the list consists of Alby, Newt, Fry, Winston, Gally and this one blonde kid, Gally introduced me to him as Ben, one of the runners. I feel like I  recognize him. Recognize from where? I don't know. Although Gally does not look at me like prey like most of these boys do, he stills looks at me oddly. Anyway, I thought maybe there is a chance Winston and I could be friends. However, that did not change my opinion of the job. 

"No, I think I got it all." I lied, still clueless of this mess I decided it was better not to ask questions and especially not to Gally who already seems sick of my constant curiosity even though I did as he said not speak once during the tour. Pretty proud of myself. He did, however, answer my question about the bonfire Newt talked about.

"Good that, I have to go help set up for the bonfire then. Go over to Fry over there he can get you a snack or drink if you want one." and after that Gally just walked in the other direction. Gally is a very attractive guy, like I stated a thousand times before, unfortunately he does not seem to like me. I lost count of how many times he rolled his eyes at me while he was explaining the workings and functions of my supposed new home. He even rolled his eyes when I don't say anything.

I watched him walk away to a small group of guys, he immediately ordered the boys who were slacking to start picking up the wood and moving them and he as well began to pick up pieces of wood to carry them over to where they belonged. His moving muscles were visible through his tight brown shirt while he carried and lifted the heavy pieces of wood. He started to pile them up in a new spot, I assume it's where the bonfire will be taking place. After a brief watch of Gally working I moved towards where Frypan is supposedly working. I haven't talked to many people. But, for the people I have talked to, Frypan is one of my favourites and Winston second. Both are very kind people I feel like I can trust here.

"Hey greenie. What are you up to?" Asked the Asian boy who chased me earlier. 

"Um... I just finished my tour and Gally said to go see Frypan." I explained quickly, nervous he will start chasing me again. 

"Okay, well, My name is Minho, it's nice to meet you" he introduced himself properly while giving me his hand to shake. Once again I took the hand and replied with a sturdy and firm shake. 

"Good grip greenie." he chuckled "anyway, I wanted to say you were shucking fast today. By the way I was the one who had to chase after you. Sorry 'bout that. And may I add you are faster than me and that's saying a lot. You should really consider about becoming a runner!"  

He chuckled again while his huge grin on his face didn't falter. His dimples were deep and his big brown eyes stared into mine- Whatever colour mine is- He also seemed like a genuine guy. First impressions of these boys were hard, since I ran away from them and even after that they were non-stop staring. I think I even saw one drooling. Ugh! Overall though, there are quite a few good guys around here. As I mentally add Minho to the list of them I reply to his comment about my speed. "Thanks. When you don't remember who you are and you see bunch of teen boys staring at you like prey, your legs move pretty fast" 

"I should start taking notes from you." He chuckled. "In all honesty though, I'd be running from some of these slintheads too if I were you" he chuckled again, I could not help but notice that he then glanced over to a specific group of boys. If I recall correctly from Gally's tour, they are the baggers. "Well, it was nice meeting you greenie, see you later at the bonfire. And if you need anything let me know; I'd be glad to help" 

I smiled and saluted and with one more chuckle he turned to the same group of boys Gally went to. He jogged over to them and sat down with the blonde boy, Ben. Anyway, like I said earlier, add Minho to my list of good guys. I turned away, continuing my forever long journey to find Frypan. I walked into a wooden building of sorts where there were hammocks and sleeping bags all around the room and a staircase in the corner leading up to who knows where. The scent of sweat and dirt took over my senses instantly. I covered my nostrils as I continued to walk through the hall. As I got further from the sweat stenched room and closer to where Fry was I began to smell food! I already had eaten those biscuits Fry brought to me while in the pit, but that didn't stop my stomach from growling and my mouth from drooling again. I pushed open the door to see three boys. Two who were cooking and one sitting and watching the others slave over the stove. 

"Hey greenie, what's up?" asked Fry. 

"Gally finished my tour and told me to come to you until the bonfire" I explained once again. 

"Well, you can have a seat or come and help me cook dinner." he replied with a big grin. 

"Trust me greenie, it's better to watch than to do," said Newt. 

I agreed with Newt's statement, better to watch than to do

"Sorry Frypan, but I agree with Newt" I smiled as I sat down next to the blonde boy as the others laughed. I sat with the boys in the kitchen for another hour or so, we were talking and laughing and just having a great time. I was getting to know these three boys very well. I could see the future of living in the glade can't be all that bad if I have these sorts of friends. 

"John, you can go ahead and take the rest of the day off. I will finish up the cleaning" Frypan offered to the other cook. John took this offer immediately and threw his apron off to the side and scurried out of the kitchen as if Fry was about to change his mind. Newt then got up and said he was going to go help Alby and the others with preparing the bonfire. "Bye Shanks!" Newt smiled and waved goodbye. He walked away with a limp and as he left the room the wind from the open window blew his blonde hair across his eyes. 

"Here you go Fry." I said when I saw that Newt fully left the room. I handed the napkin from my pocket back to him. It was the napkin Fry gave to me in the pit that had the biscuits in it. Fry's face was painted confused before he remembered what the napkin was from. A smirk grew on his face as he grabbed it from my hand. 

"And I'm assuming you didn't tell anyone" he seemed shocked that I actually did as he said. Why is he so surprised? 

"Didn't tell a soul" I smiled at the confused boy and did the same motion of my hand signalling the my lips were sealed, "and why would I, from that hour I spent in that pit I'd feel sorry for you to go in there. Plus, you are one of the only people here I like so far, so who'd I talk to if you were locked up like an animal?"

He chuckled at my comments and tossed the napkin aside. "Well, thanks to your loyalty I can stick around and get you to help me bring out the food to those wolves" We both laughed and I took a few bowls that Fry pointed for me to carry and followed him out to a table where we sat the food down. It just began to get dark. The sun was setting over those big concrete, ivy covered walls. It was beautiful to watch how the last sliver of sunlight danced across the breezy field of the glade. The doors that I had ran through when I first arrived were now closed shut for the night. My curiosity began to build once again. Why did the doors close? Who closed them?  I remember Alby telling me about the grievers and Gally explaining in further details the dangers of the maze while on the tour. No one had ever survived a night in there, and that being a runner is a very dangerous job. 

Once Fry and I set down the food and he run a bell that I assume signals it to be dinner, the boys piled in like they never have eaten before. I helped Fry serve some of the food to the animals and then took a plate for myself and Fry offered for me to sit at his table. I gratefully accepted and sat at a table with Fry, Newt, Alby, Winston, Gally, and two other guys named Jeff and Clint. I was not mad Gally was there, but more sad and confused of why he hated me so much. Now, there wasn't much evidence to confirm his hatred towards me, however his hundreds of eye-rolls he gave me during the tour and the glares from across the table while we ate justified my beliefs.

He's gonna make my life miserable, I can feel it. 

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