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Dinner was delicious, but not half as good as those biscuits Fry gave me secretly while in the pit. If first impressions of these boys were a contest Fry would definitely win. I helped Fry do a quick clean up of the kitchen and serving table before he tried to show me off to the bonfire. "You're the guest of honor. Go have some fun!" He tried to persuade me to leave. I did not budge though. Fry did all this hard work for all of us to eat and man was it good. The least I could do was help wash dishes and scrub a few counters. He finally gave up on trying to get me to leave. He dried and put away the dishes as I washed them under warm soapy water.

Working together as a team got the job done quickly. Quicker than usual I am sure. We both left to join the others at the bonfire. The sun had completely faded away and the moon took over. Flickering lights of the flaming fire began as a few boys threw torches on to the pile of wood. I watched in awe as the fire spread rapidly through the stack of wood that Gally and the others put together. Some boys danced and did flips at the edge of the bonfire. There were even a few who played drums that looked homemade. Others sat and drank some odd drink while chatting to one another. Fry and I parted ways as he went to talk to a few gladers, I wandered around instead. Every step I took another pair of eyes would watch me. I saw Winston, the keeper of the slicers, sitting down on a log with a drink. I remembered he was on my list of acceptable and genuine guys here. I quickly moved over to him.

"Mind if I join?" I asked. He quickly nodded and scooted over to make room for me on the log.

"What do you think of the glade so far, greenie?" he asked politely.

"Not that bad, I guess." I replied.

"You are doing a lot better than many of the guys here. Some of them cried and some of them even threw up when they first arrived." he stated. We both laughed. He then passed me the jar that was in his hand as an evil grin plastered on his face. "Here try this," he offered. I took the jar in my hand and sniffed it. It smelled disgusting. Unsure of what the liquid is, I gave him a quizzical stare. "It's a secret recipe."

"Looks like piss" I stated the quite obvious fact. Winston bursted out laughing at my comment.

I suppose whatever is in this drink is helping Winston have a good time.

I laughed aloud at my own thoughts. Once Winston calmed himself down from his fit of laughs he looked at me straight in the eyes with a smirk. A very devilish smirk.

"Oh come on, do you not trust me?" he asked. He then took the jar back to his own hand and gulped down a sip of this mysterious liquid. "Yum! Delicious! See its harmless. Now you try."

Hesitant at first I grabbed the jar from his hands. Once again, I sniffed it. I look towards where I saw Fry go earlier, hoping to see him for reassurance. He as well had a devilish smile plastered on his face. He nodded, giving me the go ahead to try it. I then realize all the boys are staring with the same evil smiles and smirks and impatient expressions to see me take a sip. Why is everyone so concerned for me to drink this? It must be some sort of prank, but Winston had a sip so what type of prank is this? I look back down at the jar. I finally caved into the anticipating looks and I slowly brought the jar towards my mouth. I put the round edge to my lips tasting a sour bitter excess of the drink. I prepared myself with this taste as I continued to slowly lift the jar up to bring the liquid closer to my mouth. Once the sour and bitter liquid hit my tongue I was no longer going slow, rather fast. I took a gulp and swallowed it down, feeling it burn as it went.

I had a sliver of a disgusted expression across my face, but it was not enough. The gladers were disappointed and very surprised and proud at the same time. "Bloody Hell! How did you drink that?" Newt asked from across the bonfire. This made my concern grow for what I just swallowed. What in the world was that stuff!?

Promises That Won't Last ☆ Gally - TMRWhere stories live. Discover now