'You can't kill me, bitch!'

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Alby was wrapped around mine and Minho's arm as we walked through the maze corridors to find our way back to the maze doors. None of us has spoken since Thomas had killed that griever. I think Minho is just trying to process it as Thomas is trying to think or find answers to the millions of questions that he must have.

"Well..." I began, trying to break the painful silence, "that was one hell of a night." I spoke.

"Yeah," Thomas replied. "Hey, want me to take a turn and carry Alby?"

"Nah. I got it, but maybe Minho?" Thomas turned to Minho who shook his head.

"I can manage."

The sounds of the maze doors opening rumbled through the corridors and a cool breeze blew past us.

"We're close." I smiled, and I was right we turned around one more corner and there we were. Back safe and sound at the glade's entrance. I could see the retreating backs of the gladers as they began to walk away, the doors were fully open now. Chuck stood by himself facing away from the doors watching them all leave as well. It wasn't until Zart turned around and shouted;

"No way." This caught all the others attention, the other gladers returned to the entrance to greet us and more joined when realizing the commotion.

"Yeah! Yes!" Chuck shouted.

Gladers helped take Alby from us and laid him on the ground while forming a crowd around us.

"You saw a griever?" Chuck asked.

"Yeah, we saw one," Thomas answered.

"He didn't just see it. He killed it." Minho corrected. Everyone froze in their places to look at Thomas.

I stood up and dusted the dirt off of me. I looked around to see that Gally was not around. 

"Another night in the maze, Fin. Knew you would make it." Winston said while giving me a half hug.

"Wait..." Thomas began, but Jeff cut him off.

"We need to get Alby to the med hut. Can I get a few of you to help?" A few nodded and walked forward, picking up the unconscious Alby before carrying him off towards the med hut like Jeff asked.

Chuck ran over to my side and gave me a huge hug, squeezing the klunk out of me.

"Missed you too, Chuckie." I chuckled.

"I thought you weren't gonna make it for a second." He said sadly.

"Everyone should know by now that I am practically immortal." I spoke. I then looked up at the sky and shook my fist in the air, "You can't kill me, bitch!" The remaining gladers that still stood around us laughed.

"Who are you talking to?" Chuck asked.

"The creators, that is if they can hear me." I chuckled, "Come on, I'm starving."

We all walked over to the kitchen and Fry gave some food even though breakfast had already passed. Chuck asked Thomas a thousand questions of what it was like being in the maze at night and what grievers look like- all questions I could have answered for the boy previous to last night, of course I never told him that I was stuck in the maze by myself before he came up to the glade.

"What did the griever look like?" Chuck asked. Fry chuckled from where he stood washing some dishes.

"Jeez, Chuck, let them rest." Chuck slumped in his seat before saying an apology about his rambling.

Poor Kid.

"Hey, Finley?" Thomas spoke, I looked over at him with a piece of toast stuffed in my mouth. He laughed before continuing. "Early Winston had said 'another night in the maze'... what did he mean?" This caught Chuck's attention and for Minho and Fry to pay attention to see what my answer was.

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