The Pit

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What felt like years of being locked up and alone, finally a dark skinned boy walked towards my cell, looking each way as he approached me. He slowly lowered himself down in front of me with a big grin. Handing a napkin to me with something inside of it. I opened it to find two biscuits that were still warm. The scent of the delicious gift took over all my scents, almost causing me to drool. 

"Hungry greenie?" He asked with a smirk "when I first came up I was starving!" He laughed as he reminisced on the memories. 

"Where am I? Who are you all?" I asked. My voice shocked him for a second. I was shocked as well at first by the sounds of my own voice. 

"All that will be explained to you soon by Alby, it's not my job. My job is just to feed everyone. The name is Frypan, but you can call me Fry" he explained with a grin while sliding his hand through the bars for me to shake.

I took Fry's hand into mine and shook it with a firm grip as I was about to reply with my name. I then cut myself off with a sudden pain of not remembering my name. "My name... I- I don't remember it!?" I stuttered, panic arising again like it had in that box that I came up in. 

"That's okay! None of us do when we first come up. You will soon though. Until then we usually call the new kids, 'greenies'. More of that will be explained to you soon, okay?" Fry once again explained "anyway, for now you need to eat up and don't tell anyone I was here or I gave you those biscuits or I might as well be thrown in there with you" Fry laughed at his own comment as he continued to explain. 

"Why would you get in trouble?" I questioned, curious of why he would get in trouble for doing something as nice as giving me food to comfort me with while all the other stupid boys here just tossed me into the shitty hole. 

"Not allowed to talk to gladers in the pit... it's against the rules" Fry stated. 

"Gladers? Pit? Rules?"

This place is already giving me a headache from how confusing it all is to understand. 

"I have already said too much. Alby will be around shortly. Just remember don't. tell. anyone. I. was. here. Better idea... youuu neverrr sawww meee." He said as he got up. I zipped my lips with a motion of my hands to demonstrate that my lips were sealed. He chuckled and smiled my way, but in his eyes I could still see he was not convinced. He turned around to walk away in the same direction he came in. Fry left me with a thousand more questions than when I first woke up in the other cage. I pondered my thoughts as I munched away on the delicious biscuits Fry delivered. 

Best food I have ever had! Then again, those biscuits are the only food I have ever remembered even eating. Just when I finished I heard footsteps coming my way. I quickly hid away the evidence of the napkin and crumbs in case it was someone else rather than Fry. 

Looking through the bars I see three figures coming towards me. If I remember correctly their names were Alby and Newt, and the third boy was the attractive, muscular boy that put me in the pit and I still haven't found out his name yet. They all had kneeled down in front of the bars looking at one another before Alby began to talk. 

"Have you calmed down?" He asked. I did not respond, but just stared blankly back at him. His face then was painted with sympathy and regret.

Damn right he should regret throwing me in here!

"Look greenie, I'm sorry I put you in here. But, it's for your own safety. Here we have three rules. One, don't hurt another glader, we need to trust one another. Two, do your part no time for slackers and third, do not go through those doors. You went through those doors. Of course, you did not know the rules at that time. However, putting you here was for your own good. From now on, please don't go through those doors without permission again, got it?" He explained and questioned my understanding, which with all honesty I did not understand one thing he said. 

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